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So what's stopping you now Minister Ritz?

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    So what's stopping you now Minister Ritz?

    Attention News Editors:

    Canadian Malting Industry Calls for Open Deregulated Barley Marketing
    OTTAWA, Nov. 27 /CNW/ - The Malting Industry Association of Canada (MIAC)
    is offering its full support to the Government of Canada to begin the
    legislative process to implement Market Choice for barley farmers beginning
    August 1, 2008.
    The Association calls for the immediate introduction of legislation to
    allow for the complete deregulation of barley effective August 2008, following
    last spring's national referendum where the majority of barley farmers voted
    in favor of Market Choice.
    Over the course of the past 3 months the malting industry has held
    extensive discussions with the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) in order to develop
    alternative mechanisms for marketing barley that better fit the needs of
    farmers and end-users. Unfortunately, positions proposed by the CWB so far
    have not addressed the fundamental issue of providing market-driven price
    signals to both growers and end-users. This is essential for protecting
    farmers and end-users by providing them the ability to hedge their commodity
    MIAC looks forward to the opportunity to working collectively with other
    stake holders in the barley supply chain to support the Government in its
    initiative to implement the legislative changes required for deregulation of
    the Canadian barley marketing system. Working together will ensure a smooth
    and efficient transition during this period for the barley farmers and

    The Malting Industry Association of Canada represents the four major
    malting companies in Canada. They include: Canada Malting Company Ltd with
    plants in Calgary, Thunder Bay and Montreal. Rahr Malting located in Alix,
    Alberta. Prairie Malt Limited in Biggar Sask., and ADM Malting located in
    Winnipeg. Collectively they are the largest customers of the CWB buying
    approximately 1.1 million tonnes (or 60% of the entire CWB pool) of malting
    barley annually. Canada is the 2nd largest world exporter of malt.

    For further information: Phil de Kemp, President, Malting Industry
    Association of Canada., (613) 271-9774 or cell (613) 290-7336

    Does anyone have any idea what new programs the maltsters and the CWB have discussed? What is the CWB proposing for both barley producers and the malting industry? What were the results of last week's CWB board of director meeting?


      1. Cash prices for malt barley.
      2. Producers contracting directly with maltsters (but with CWB involvement).
      Profits made by the CWB would go into the pool account. Classic open market subsidization of the pools.

      Maybe others but this is what was rumoured as being discussed.

      Nothing too exciting - just another Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same.



        How Quaint!

        Now that the CWB has contracted the majority of the 'Easy Pickings' in malt barley supply... they (the Maltsters) turn on the monopoly... and offer to pick up the rest!

        Free export Licenses would supply competitors of theirs... that would not be fair... they want the barley 'Cheap' and the CWB got the vast majority of it to them.

        The CWB monopoly is all about protecting the profits/positions of the commercial trade... and giving any risk to grain growers... the CWB can get away with handing off without a major revolution!

        That is what the CWB monopoly has been about since it was instituted in 1993 by "Goodale" Adam Smith!


          Tom, Tom, Tom – Have I taught you nothing?

          The issue is not one of "cheap" barley.

          The maltsters get it. They really do. The CWB system is dysfunctional. Impotent. As ***** as a three dollar bill. They want to be able to contract for next year already – they want to be able to deal directly with farmers – to get the appropriate price signals out to farmers and maybe even use futures to manage risk – but the CWB gets in the way. CWB sales contracts aren't really ales contracts - at best they're "pricing arrangements". CWB PPO contracts suck and CWB price signals suck even more. How about a basis contract on malt barley? No – I mean a real one, not a CWB smoke-n-mirrors variety.

          “Easy pickings”? You’re kidding, right? Nothin’s been easy in the malt business this year.

          “Free export licenses” is not a threat to the domestics. With an open market China would actually pay market prices. What a concept!

          You say “they want the barley “Cheap” – I think they just want assurances they'll get the barley they bought. Period. “Cheap” means absolutely nothing if the barley doesn’t come up the driveway.

          Tom, I thought you were all behind developing relationships with endusers. Well, here’s your chance. Here you have an attractive “suitor” trying to get an overprotective “parent” to step aside so that they can woo you directly in the interests of a long-term relationship – and you think all they want to do is get into your pants.


            To the original post, has anyone looked at the needed changes to the CWB act? Is it minor amendments similar to cosmetic surgery or is it a major change to the act with all the complications that are likely to occur?


              chaff, After all this time, and all the sweet talking, knowitall about everything under the sun. It turns out, you are simply a dirty old guy, wit nothing else to do but, try and seduce us to the dark side. Shame on you ol man. Malt smalt, simply halt, and we'll all be better off. Ritz is a politico, he knows little or nothing about gag, and is probably scared to try and legislate something, he knows nothing about!


                Chaff...aka Fransico, et. al.

                Since you are Angri-ville's self-declared grammer cop, please explain to all of us what an "ales contract" is supposed to be?

                By the way, I thought that you were in agreement with the malsters, that you wanted barley prices and other feed prices in general to come down in value?

                After all, I thought you said you were losing $50/pig, and that feed grains were artificially inflated due to government subsidies into bio-fuels.

                "Asta la vista, agricultor de cerdo de olor"



                  You wrote: "Nothing too exciting - just another Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same."

                  What was the song last summer fall (06)... and the summer before (05)... and on and back...

                  Tick talk, Trick Tock... for how many years... 95, 96... 07... The mice run up the clock...

                  Could it be the CWB has been finally told NOT to sell out the farmers grain early for this year (08)!

                  The commercial 'industry' has demanded it both ways for so long... my head is spinning!

                  Obviously the sweet talk is not working this year!

                  I heard so many left wingers say ... August 1 07 is too early... give us 1 more year.... THEN

                  Trick Talk; Trick Talk... Chairman Ritter on August 1 07 makes the big promise... covers it with chocolate... and now decides to bury us under a flurry of spent mushroom compost!

                  Please show me how the malties have earned one ounce of trust in grower relationship ... over the past year Chaffmeister!

                  It IS all about the MONEY.

                  First time shame on them... second time shame on us!

                  Lets have some decent production contracts... $6/bu prices... and I will start to believe...- maybe -... they are (for once) thinking a little about a fair shake for "Designated Area" barley growers!



                    The reference to “The Song Remains the Same” was aimed at the CWB – not the maltsters.

                    You say “The commercial 'industry' has demanded it both ways for so long... my head is spinning!”

                    Last spring, you would've liked the maltsters to support the feds on an open market. They had serious issues with open contracts and looked for remedies – and that pissed you off. Now, they’re throwing their support 100% behind the open market – “complete deregulation” is the term they use – and you’re still pissed off. But isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for?

                    You say “Please show me how the malties have earned one ounce of trust in grower relationship ... over the past year!”

                    Tell me what they’ve had to work with. Under the CWB’s thumb, what can they do to develop a grower “relationship”?

                    You say “Lets have some decent production contracts... $6/bu prices... and I will start to believe...- maybe -... they are (for once) thinking a little about a fair shake for "Designated Area" barley growers!”

                    But Tom, isn’t that exactly what they’re saying they want as well?

                    You’re right - It IS all about the MONEY. (But note I said it wasn’t about PRICE. There’s a significant difference.)


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