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Thursday's CWB Pro Continued Dec. 17 Thread

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    Thursday's CWB Pro Continued Dec. 17 Thread


    Wheat PROs Jump on Tight World Supplies
    Winnipeg -- The CWB today released its latest Pool Return Outlook (PRO) for the 2007-08 crop year. Wheat is up $41 to $52 per tonne from the November PRO, with durum up $9 to $13 per tonne, with the exception of No. 5 Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD), which is up $40 per tonne. Feed barley is up $10 per tonne while malting barley values remain unchanged from the November PRO.


    So if durum prices have stayed at over $16.00 mid point ND since end of Sept and we are looking at a take home of 11.26 mid point Sask. then that means the CWB gave away most of this years production for the infamous 7.00 that according to them most American farmers sold for.


      It would be interesting to know how much durum was rolled into the 07-08 pool, which was sold at lower prices, and is therefore diluting the 07-08 pool. In July, when we were delivering to the elevator or loading producer cars, it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that we would gain on every bushel. I know that anyone who was strapped for cash through the spring and summer because the railways wouldn't provide producer cars and therefore had to wait to load in July, have a big smile on their face now. I guess we can be thankful that when durum movement was tight in previous years some of the guys fudged their numbers so that they could deliver more durum, or there would have been alot more durum available to roll into the 07 -08 pool. I only wish that I had paid storage on the durum that I hauled in the last spring.


        Geessshh....at 11.26.......you should be ecstatic!!....didn`t an old binder pilot down near Midale(??) cash everything out because he got 10$??Must be plain Alberta style greed taking over now that you`ve got different gov`t!!!!877-554-2106 You won`t get that off key violin sound here!!!! Ahh what the heck.....I will call it WHINING!



          Off topic of PRO but any thoughts on what could be done at the end of crop years that would offset some of the problems of moving sales/delivery across pooling years?


            Cropduster, i'd really like to know what's with the 877 number in almost every thread you post. Also the carry over from pool to pool will always be here as long as we have the anti free market cwb pooling system. And as far as farmers fudging their numbers, until a farmer gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, it will continue. It's one smart way of doing your own market research and being able to sell your entire production in years when you're sure the cwb won't sell all of your crop.


              It`s not dial-a-prayer!Try it and see!


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