when talking about the Barley growers convention you mentioned that you had never seen Webers speeches but were impressed with what you saw.
I did talk to him a few weeks before his Sheraton presentation and he was completely on side helping in every way he could, even made a few calls.
The next time I saw him was at this nice event that Dupont put on for their growers talking about futility in the process. It was NOT the place to call him to task for my personal beliefs.
In answer to your question YES I have written some thank you letters in my time and have subscribed to newsletters supporting those that make sense.
And in my short Agricultural career I have worked quite had at times to instill changes and choice in the world.
I was mostly in a rather clumsy way taking Mr. Weber to task for saying something in Private then doing another thing in public.
If you've got a crush on the guy don't get mad at me for posting something I believe to be true.
Larry thanks for the input
learn this business – its your business and no one else’s. Take it back
I'm working on it.
when talking about the Barley growers convention you mentioned that you had never seen Webers speeches but were impressed with what you saw.
I did talk to him a few weeks before his Sheraton presentation and he was completely on side helping in every way he could, even made a few calls.
The next time I saw him was at this nice event that Dupont put on for their growers talking about futility in the process. It was NOT the place to call him to task for my personal beliefs.
In answer to your question YES I have written some thank you letters in my time and have subscribed to newsletters supporting those that make sense.
And in my short Agricultural career I have worked quite had at times to instill changes and choice in the world.
I was mostly in a rather clumsy way taking Mr. Weber to task for saying something in Private then doing another thing in public.
If you've got a crush on the guy don't get mad at me for posting something I believe to be true.
Larry thanks for the input
learn this business – its your business and no one else’s. Take it back
I'm working on it.