You know folks, when it comes to some important questions in life; I believe everyone has three choices:
Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way…
Barley freedom for Western Canadian farmers is that kind of fundamental question. And by joining us today, you’re all sending a loud and clear message that you folks are willing to lead the way to barley marketing freedom. As you know, Prime Minister Harper is delivering the same kind of strong leadership for barley marketing freedom and other priorities that are important to you. Last night, this Government put that leadership into action and I’m proud to announce we put strong legislation on the order paper to deliver barley marketing freedom to Western Canadian producers.
That means that this bill will be tabled in the House of Commons next week. When passed, this legislation will finally and formally give you the freedom to choose how to market your own barley. It’s a fundamental freedom you’ve been denied too long. It’s a freedom farmers in other parts of Canada take for granted. It’s a freedom you deserve and a freedom you need to make management decisions in your own best interest. And this Government is working hard to give you that freedom. As a Western Canadian farm kid myself, I’m proud of the leadership we’re getting from Prime Minster Harper. It’s refreshing leadership after years of Liberal dithering. This Government is listening to the sixty-two per cent of Western Canadian barley producers who voted in favour of barley marketing freedom.
This Government is listening to key producers groups such as:
Western Barley Growers Association;
Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association;
Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses;
Grain Growers of Canada;
Alberta Barley Commission;
Grain Vision;
Market Choice Alliance;
Prairie West Terminal Ltd;
Western Grain Elevators Association;
Canadian Chamber of Commerce; and,
The Governments of B.C., Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
Barley marketing freedom is coming and it’s time to lead, follow or get out of the way. And this Government is leading the way to barley marketing freedom.
We believe Western Canadian barley producers are just as smart as producers in the rest of the country. And we believe farmers themselves are the best ones to make their own marketing decisions. In fact, you’re already making those marketing decisions when they sell crops such as canola and lentils to buyers around the world. Unfortunately, the Liberals and NDP think Western Canadian farmers were too dumb to understand the plebiscite question the first time. If Liberals or NDP or anyone else has trouble understanding that question, my grandson can help them sound out the big words. Western Canadian farmers made their demand for barley marketing freedom loud and clear and we’re working hard to deliver on that action.
For years the Canadian Wheat Board has shackled Western Canadian barley producers to its monopoly. The Board claims it’s so much smarter than Western Canadian farmers that they shouldn’t even have a choice about where to market their barley. The Board claims all kinds of marketing expertise, but worries producers won’t work with them without the shackles of the monopoly. Those claims are ridiculous.
Western Canadian farmers are smart enough to make their own marketing decisions. And if the Board is as effective as it claims, they’ll have no problem attracting business. The amazing part is that the Board itself acknowledges that the status quo isn’t good enough, but it won’t do anything to change. Since becoming Agriculture Minister, I gave the Board every opportunity to help lead the change it knows is coming. The Board did nothing. I gave the Board every opportunity to follow by asking it to give producers more freedom through: reduced buy-backs, easier access to export permits, and, steps toward full freedom such as a continental market. Again, the Board did nothing.
In fact, the Board now refuses to even discuss working toward the change Western Canadian barley producers are demanding. If the Board isn’t going to lead or follow, it better get out of the way. And by tabling this legislation next week, we will clear the way for barley marketing freedom. It’s important to remember there are some Board members who are committed to change. Those Board members need your help this coming fall and you need to send more voices for change to the table in the next round of director elections.
Ladies and Gentlemen; this legislation is a huge step forward, but we’re not out of the woods yet. There’s still a lot of work to do. And I need your help. All of the opposition parties continue to oppose barley marketing freedom for Western Canadian farmers. You know what’s amazing about that stubborn opposition? Only a tiny fraction of opposition members even represent anyone in the Wheat Board area. Out of the sixty-five seats in the Wheat Board area, pro-freedom Government MPs won fifty-seven. None of the opposition critics who love to rail against barley marketing freedom are willing to shackle their own constituents to the Board monopoly. But opposition members still have a responsibility to represent all Canadians fairly and equally.
We need you folks to lead the way and remind these opposition parties that you deserve the same freedom opposition critics give their own constituents. Folks this is very simple, the only thing between Western Canadian producers and barley marketing freedom is the opposition. The opposition won’t lead and they won’t follow, so they need to get out of the way.
I’ll be honest with you folks, those of us in the Government have been working hard at getting opposition members out of the way and we’ve weeded almost all of them out of Western Canada. But we’re going to need your help on this. And I’m going to be very honest with you. If folks like you don’t raise your voices and let these opposition members know you’re not taking no for an answer, Western Canadian barley producers are going to remain shackled to the Board monopoly. The NDP and the Liberals aren’t going to change their minds unless folks like you spur them along. But I believe in Western Canadian farmers and I believe you folks are going to crank up the fight for the barley marketing freedom you deserve. It’s not good enough to complain about the Board’s monopoly in the coffee shop, you have to go out and take that freedom. And you’ve got to take that fight to the opposition.
Guys like Wayne Easter, Ralph Goodale, Pat Martin and Alex Atamanenko shouldn’t be able to pick up the phone without having an angry Western Canadian farmer on the other end demanding they support this barley marketing freedom legislation. They shouldn’t be able to check their fax machines or mail boxes without reading messages from angry Western Canadian farmers demanding barley marketing freedom. And they shouldn’t be able to open a newspaper without reading letters to the editor demanding they get off the fence and support barley marketing freedom.
Folks, democracy depends on you and you’ll get exactly the amount of change you’re willing to work for. Representative democracies like Canada are only as strong as the people who take part. I’m going to work as hard as I can to make sure this legislation passes and I’m counting on you to help this Government deliver barley marketing freedom.
Ladies and Gentlemen; barley marketing freedom is coming to Western Canada. It’s time for everyone to realize it’s time to: Lead, Follow, Or get out of the way.
-Gerry Ritz-
Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way…
Barley freedom for Western Canadian farmers is that kind of fundamental question. And by joining us today, you’re all sending a loud and clear message that you folks are willing to lead the way to barley marketing freedom. As you know, Prime Minister Harper is delivering the same kind of strong leadership for barley marketing freedom and other priorities that are important to you. Last night, this Government put that leadership into action and I’m proud to announce we put strong legislation on the order paper to deliver barley marketing freedom to Western Canadian producers.
That means that this bill will be tabled in the House of Commons next week. When passed, this legislation will finally and formally give you the freedom to choose how to market your own barley. It’s a fundamental freedom you’ve been denied too long. It’s a freedom farmers in other parts of Canada take for granted. It’s a freedom you deserve and a freedom you need to make management decisions in your own best interest. And this Government is working hard to give you that freedom. As a Western Canadian farm kid myself, I’m proud of the leadership we’re getting from Prime Minster Harper. It’s refreshing leadership after years of Liberal dithering. This Government is listening to the sixty-two per cent of Western Canadian barley producers who voted in favour of barley marketing freedom.
This Government is listening to key producers groups such as:
Western Barley Growers Association;
Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association;
Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses;
Grain Growers of Canada;
Alberta Barley Commission;
Grain Vision;
Market Choice Alliance;
Prairie West Terminal Ltd;
Western Grain Elevators Association;
Canadian Chamber of Commerce; and,
The Governments of B.C., Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
Barley marketing freedom is coming and it’s time to lead, follow or get out of the way. And this Government is leading the way to barley marketing freedom.
We believe Western Canadian barley producers are just as smart as producers in the rest of the country. And we believe farmers themselves are the best ones to make their own marketing decisions. In fact, you’re already making those marketing decisions when they sell crops such as canola and lentils to buyers around the world. Unfortunately, the Liberals and NDP think Western Canadian farmers were too dumb to understand the plebiscite question the first time. If Liberals or NDP or anyone else has trouble understanding that question, my grandson can help them sound out the big words. Western Canadian farmers made their demand for barley marketing freedom loud and clear and we’re working hard to deliver on that action.
For years the Canadian Wheat Board has shackled Western Canadian barley producers to its monopoly. The Board claims it’s so much smarter than Western Canadian farmers that they shouldn’t even have a choice about where to market their barley. The Board claims all kinds of marketing expertise, but worries producers won’t work with them without the shackles of the monopoly. Those claims are ridiculous.
Western Canadian farmers are smart enough to make their own marketing decisions. And if the Board is as effective as it claims, they’ll have no problem attracting business. The amazing part is that the Board itself acknowledges that the status quo isn’t good enough, but it won’t do anything to change. Since becoming Agriculture Minister, I gave the Board every opportunity to help lead the change it knows is coming. The Board did nothing. I gave the Board every opportunity to follow by asking it to give producers more freedom through: reduced buy-backs, easier access to export permits, and, steps toward full freedom such as a continental market. Again, the Board did nothing.
In fact, the Board now refuses to even discuss working toward the change Western Canadian barley producers are demanding. If the Board isn’t going to lead or follow, it better get out of the way. And by tabling this legislation next week, we will clear the way for barley marketing freedom. It’s important to remember there are some Board members who are committed to change. Those Board members need your help this coming fall and you need to send more voices for change to the table in the next round of director elections.
Ladies and Gentlemen; this legislation is a huge step forward, but we’re not out of the woods yet. There’s still a lot of work to do. And I need your help. All of the opposition parties continue to oppose barley marketing freedom for Western Canadian farmers. You know what’s amazing about that stubborn opposition? Only a tiny fraction of opposition members even represent anyone in the Wheat Board area. Out of the sixty-five seats in the Wheat Board area, pro-freedom Government MPs won fifty-seven. None of the opposition critics who love to rail against barley marketing freedom are willing to shackle their own constituents to the Board monopoly. But opposition members still have a responsibility to represent all Canadians fairly and equally.
We need you folks to lead the way and remind these opposition parties that you deserve the same freedom opposition critics give their own constituents. Folks this is very simple, the only thing between Western Canadian producers and barley marketing freedom is the opposition. The opposition won’t lead and they won’t follow, so they need to get out of the way.
I’ll be honest with you folks, those of us in the Government have been working hard at getting opposition members out of the way and we’ve weeded almost all of them out of Western Canada. But we’re going to need your help on this. And I’m going to be very honest with you. If folks like you don’t raise your voices and let these opposition members know you’re not taking no for an answer, Western Canadian barley producers are going to remain shackled to the Board monopoly. The NDP and the Liberals aren’t going to change their minds unless folks like you spur them along. But I believe in Western Canadian farmers and I believe you folks are going to crank up the fight for the barley marketing freedom you deserve. It’s not good enough to complain about the Board’s monopoly in the coffee shop, you have to go out and take that freedom. And you’ve got to take that fight to the opposition.
Guys like Wayne Easter, Ralph Goodale, Pat Martin and Alex Atamanenko shouldn’t be able to pick up the phone without having an angry Western Canadian farmer on the other end demanding they support this barley marketing freedom legislation. They shouldn’t be able to check their fax machines or mail boxes without reading messages from angry Western Canadian farmers demanding barley marketing freedom. And they shouldn’t be able to open a newspaper without reading letters to the editor demanding they get off the fence and support barley marketing freedom.
Folks, democracy depends on you and you’ll get exactly the amount of change you’re willing to work for. Representative democracies like Canada are only as strong as the people who take part. I’m going to work as hard as I can to make sure this legislation passes and I’m counting on you to help this Government deliver barley marketing freedom.
Ladies and Gentlemen; barley marketing freedom is coming to Western Canada. It’s time for everyone to realize it’s time to: Lead, Follow, Or get out of the way.
-Gerry Ritz-