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Cash rent these days?

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    Cash rent these days?

    Rent here has basically stayed the same. Most crop shares changing to cash. Cash is 5 to 6 thousand in my area. Guess I was right to buy the stuff.
    But heard on another post seems some high rent being paid like 12000 for a quarter. I know that must be much better land than I farm. So what is happening in other areas?

    here it is we're paying $ 18.00 last year some dude came in this year from out of territory and now has bid it up to $ 25.00.


      last year $5 to $10/ac, if you could find someone to rent, haven't heard much for spring yet. three years ago, $20 was the norm. I hope landlords realize the risk we look at today, fert prices, wild commodities. On my farm I value the relationship with landlords, and take pride in how I treat their land. And i pay on time, every time. Any land I rent is for the long term. I've seen situations where I've been outbid for rent after farming it for 3-4 years, the land goes back to weeds because the farmer is stretched too thin, and the landlords don't get paid... there is more to renting than just the dollars per acre.


        Just renewed 1/2 of the 17 I rent and it is going to average 29.00 now that's up from the 21 I was paying on some before and 32 for the top. But the 21 was because some speculator was farming it a few years back and when he was done they had a problem. Yea big cash till it froze. Any way the Rented land north of Moose jaw hopper bin, is flat and clay. Problem is you will out produce it by 20 bushels on Canola most years and 20 definitely on HRS. Yes you have flooded years they don't have that and one note when it froze the second time they had nothing much either. So be happy where your farming RAIN is still better than Dust. One more thing Owning is still way better than renting any day.


          In perspective. What % of inputs per acre is rent?


            Its a small precentage but its one that you control not some company that creates a shortage to pad their pockets. But over paying has never ever worked.


              Depends on your area as to whether renting and owning is better. You guys talk about $20 to $30 rent. Can't even imagine that. Even 20 years ago rent wasn't that cheap in most Alberta. Our rents now south of Calgary range from $50 to $75 an acre. Seems like a lot but when it costs $250000 and up to buy land your mortgage payment is $120 and up per acre. Way better off renting land.


                Thats $250000 a quarter and then if you live north or around Calgary to Edmonton then land is basically unaffordable so your only choice is to rent. Most of the land this year is $60 to $70. Has been $50 for 5 years already.


                  Regina Lumsden Lake Center

                  Rent around our town is $25.00-$35.00 depending on quality
                  Some stuff we rent is $5000/quarter for 59000 assesment land would probably sell today for 1.3 times assesed value, using a new map.
                  Relitivly flat weyburn loam soil,
                  H Crop Insurance


                    Like Saskfarmers says rent is a smaller percentage expense but so is net income.
                    I would think that net income should be higher than rent paid. In my last 3 years my net income was pathetic. Hope to change that.


                      Hopper,your not making money but your buying land?? Smart move. Just keep on giving those land titles!!


                        Snappy Turtle you have a point there. I have by renting increase my acreage over the last 10 years to become more competitive. We have been through a few hard years in our area. Since land rent is close or at near land purchase price interest plus land taxes per year then purchasing becomes an option. Problem is banks only give 30,000 per quarter of credit. I managed to work my land purchases over a 2 year period, half one year half the next.
                        3 years ago I purchased 6 quarters in that arrangement. Had to borrow the full amount again for the second half but I new in advance I could manage it.
                        This year I purchased 5 quarters and paid the first half without taking another loan. The thing is my payments are the same as cash rent would be for this area. Only in 08 will be paying a good portion of the loans down as have much more inventory than usual as long as don't go stupid on machinery etc. Just my situation. Have plenty of older farmers wanting to sellout.


                          Hopper keep buying your way ahead of the renters in the south. Land is value.


                            Here just 25 minutes SE of Calgary,( Indus-Dalemead area) rent ranges from $40 to $70 per acre cash rent. Buying land... forget it here. Last stuff two miles from my house sold for $7000/acre. 5 miles closer to the city the over $12,000. Renting is the only way to expand here.



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