Does "fair" fly out the window when you are only world super power?
Tom your calculations assume you will pay tariff and supply wheat.
Tariffs and trade restictions health rules/etc are about suppling home market with home produced goods. US want to keep your wheat out just like you want to keep their corn out of Alberta.
BSE was used by French to stop export of UK beef. You try to use fusarium to keep grain out of Alberta.
So lets assume tariff works. CWB now has 10% more grain to sell to the rest of its customers, who of course know this, and you are trying to tell me you will only be 1% worse off!!
The CWB must be the best marketer in the world.
I see pain for us all as CWB is force to sell/market/dump this grain.
Tom your calculations assume you will pay tariff and supply wheat.
Tariffs and trade restictions health rules/etc are about suppling home market with home produced goods. US want to keep your wheat out just like you want to keep their corn out of Alberta.
BSE was used by French to stop export of UK beef. You try to use fusarium to keep grain out of Alberta.
So lets assume tariff works. CWB now has 10% more grain to sell to the rest of its customers, who of course know this, and you are trying to tell me you will only be 1% worse off!!
The CWB must be the best marketer in the world.
I see pain for us all as CWB is force to sell/market/dump this grain.