I just talked with the CWB (nice they are open today) and they said the advance rates are:
175/T for spring wheat
200/T for durum
85/T for feed barley
Wow, thats a lot of cash (vs last year). They have the priority agreements on their website already for your banker and forms should be available a couple days before April 1.
I am trying to sort out my cashflow and these are big numbers, I sure hope the PRO's live up to them. Has anybody heard what the canola and pea prices are going to be?
Note: Since this is not a CWB program but an AAFC program the CWB administers I can still say
175/T for spring wheat
200/T for durum
85/T for feed barley
Wow, thats a lot of cash (vs last year). They have the priority agreements on their website already for your banker and forms should be available a couple days before April 1.
I am trying to sort out my cashflow and these are big numbers, I sure hope the PRO's live up to them. Has anybody heard what the canola and pea prices are going to be?
Note: Since this is not a CWB program but an AAFC program the CWB administers I can still say