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The Stewart Wells -buyback boogie-

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    I don't think Hill is but his brother in law probably has alot of influence on him.

    Korneychuk currently being groomed for Ritter's job. And welcome to farming in the old USSR.


      I dont think my conspiracy theory is so far off. Think about this, Mr. Flaman as an organic producer is able to get free buy-backs from the CWB for his organic production he can then access free-market prices. That makes his organics look waaaay more profitable then if it was a level playing field for all conventional producers. It doesnt help him make more money but it makes organic producers feel good when they can get $15-20/bushel and conventional is $5-10.
      I know Parsley made the point that its not the organic farmers fault with the buy-backs but I do have a problem when the organic industry markets their product by smearing conventionally grown products as being full of pesticides and evil fertilizers.
      When I go into a local convenience store that sells organic groceries and see a poster on the milk cooler saying "these cows dont do drugs" haha, real funny.


        bucket if the cwb is still around by the time Mr. korneychuck next term for election is up he will not get the second trip


          Organic is a specialty market, as is kosher food, or halal food.

          I personally know people who are extremely allergic to one thing or another... ...farm chemicals, to all kinds of nuts, to seafood, to wheat etc.

          Allergies are a fact of life.
          Organics service niche markets, and are consumer driven.

          Some entrants into organics are there because they saw it as a political platform.

          Mr. Korneychuk was entering into organics. I know little about Hill's farming. One of Flaman's first committments was to get organics out of the CWB. Chatenay has always had an open door policy for organics to air their problems, but I think I know him well enough. that it would be safe to say he personally had zero interest in entering organics.




            I attended an organic meeting recently. One of the fellows also there, farms 10,000 acres, has every technological gadget you can imagine.

            He was weighing contracting wheat at $25.00/bu for 08-09.

            Don't assume all organic farmers farm with a stoneboat, can't read or add, and are ugly.



              Lets try and keep this thread on track. The organic vs conventional pesticide, health debate should be left for another thread.

              The main point is that one group of western farmers is getting very special treatment on buy backs while the rest of us are getting screwed.

              The second point is that a number of the vocal die hard board supporters are in the do as I say not as I do camp on this issue.


                I agree.

                Putting a lot of time and effort into getting relief for conventional growers, just the same as organic enjoys, requires focus, indeed.

                It is much easier to walk away.




                  I am not assuming that. My previous replies have said most organics guys want the cwb out of their business.

                  And agronomically speaking I don't believe if we all switched to organics we could feed the world.

                  20 -25 is a great price and if we didn't have the cwb in this mess farmers could be extracting some of those prices for conventional grain as well.

                  I am not mad at the organic producer but there should be a balanced look at their environmental footprint when they produce their product as well.

                  I would call it a trade off.
                  More diesel for more tillage versus one pass seeding and a spray job.

                  I don't think organic producers are backwards - I think FLAMAN and WELLS are and will be hyprocrites.


                    Organic farmers margins are about to evaporate.


                      Better to rip up the '08 contracts, then(the G8 companies will be relieved, anyhow), and grow beans.

                      The High-Disposible-Incomers who buy organics, worldwide, will only be able to afford to eat beans. Beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

                      Better to get the rest of the contracts switched over to Libya, and the Sudan and Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and market through the CWB, yes?

                      I thought so.



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