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The Stewart Wells -buyback boogie-

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    The Stewart Wells -buyback boogie-

    <b>In response to Mr. Stewart Wells</b>

    I have always supported organic farming and see it as one of the great opportunities for Western Canadian agriculture. That is why I was extremely puzzled when Mr. Stewart Wells claimed that I had attacked him in the House of Commons when I said he was, get this, an organic farmer. It was a very strange response from him and the NFU. Organic farmers (Mr. Wells included) have this year gotten what amounts to a zero buy back from the Canadian Wheat Board. They are then able to market their own grain and have been able to take full advantage or a rising market. I have been told that quotes for various types’ organic grain have been between $10 and $25 a bushel depending on the class.

    Unfortunately, this tremendously positive opportunity is not available to the 98 per cent of farmers who grow regular grain. Many of them would love to have the possibility of marketing their own grain.

    Since the beginning of the crop year Mr. Wells has been silent when asked why should he get an opportunity which is denied to other farmers. He is basically working under a free market system and able to take full advantage of that, while demanding that the vast majority of farmers be denied the same opportunity. Why has his organization failed to speak out against the Canadian Wheat board’s unfair treatment of farmers?

    Mr. Wells should not be telling others they need to be bound by the CWB system while he is getting a deal on the buy back and is free to sell his grain into a premium market.

    David Anderson, MP
    Cypress Hills-Grasslands

    From Merriam Websters online dictionary:

    hyp·o·crite- a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings


      Correct me if I'm wrong but is Mr. Rod Flaman,aka. Vader also not an organic preacher/farmer enjoying the almost zero cost export license that he so feverishly campaigns to deny the 98% of farmers that grow grain the conventional method.
      The ultimate example of hypocracy!!!!


        David Orchard, also is an organic farmer.

        I find it unacceptable that the Board of Directors of the CWB can sit in a back room at the Wheat Board, and grantt or deny a license at whim.


        It is egregious to me.



          It is so very convenient isn't it?

          Any comments Vader?

          Is Mr. Anderson somehow wrong on this?

          Any other directors playing both sides of the equation?


            Flaman is organic. I believe Korneychuk is organic > going organic.

            Wells preaches to the NFU, while he enjoys a good deal for himself...and what continues to amaze me, is that his followers accept the difference with a shrug..Wells pays a minimal flat fee for a buyback, while the conventioanl buyback is atrocious.

            In this instance, ideology is the be all, end all, and the conventional NFU players involved embrace high buybacks, defending them, promoting them.

            Head scratch. Head scratch.
            I am amazed.



              Sounds like a "Big Organic" conspiracy, it does.
              Back to Mr. Wells and the NFU. Did anyone else get a 4-fold propaganda rag from the NFU in their mailbox today? With a very prominent section dedicated to saving the beloved cwb monopoly.
              I dunno about you guys but i dont know a single farmer that has much good to say about the NFU nevermind give them any money.



                The thing is this.....organics got what they wanted because they demanded it, can't rich-slap them for going out and getting what they wanted. Right?

                The feed mills bypass Board marketing and Board pooling of feed wheat/barley because they demanded it.

                David Anderson is saying what is.

                Maybe there are very few farmers belonging to the NFU, but you gotta hand it to them.....it's NFU material in the mail that you're reading tonight.

                And so ........if you don't run your own business, someone else will be glad to run it for you.

                430 people are very interested in your business.



                  Organic farmers will never feed the world. Interestingly enough people will pay for organic food though, which confirms my belief grain hasn't topped yet.

                  Stewart Wells and his brother in law Larry Hill and his buddy Flaman have a great thing going don't they???

                  Tell they raging masses one thing and do the exact opposite. Typical NDP/Liberal strategy.

                  Its really quite sickening. They really insult my hard work and my intelligence with their hypocrisy.

                  Wells and his friends of the cwb have cost the western canadian farmers billions all the while flaman spouts off how they are making me so much money.

                  Lets talk about organics and how every time they work the soil they release carbon from the soil and from their tractors. Envirnomentally friendly - I think not!!!!

                  Flaman turned down $20 per bushel on his organic grain because conventional grain was selling for that much. Funny how he forgot to tell the raging masses that the cwb was and is only paying $6 for wheat and turning a 350% profit on the farmers grain and then telling them to wait another year for the rest of it, if the cwb doesn't screw something up in the meantime. No guarantee that the cwb won't lower pros in the coming months.

                  Yep, these are people I could do without.


                    No sense getting mad at organics or the feed mills.They just want to make a living like you do.

                    Direct your energy at the Wheat Board. They control licensing of all wheat and barley in Canada.

                    The only farmers who REALY pay the price are the conventional farmers in the designated area.


                      yeah I know.

                      Actually alot of organics producers would like to be rid of the wheat board period. They are of no real service to them anyway.

                      I more mad at the people I spoke of in my rant. The WELLS?HILL?FLAMAN trio who are looking after their own interests by being where they are.


                        The good thing is that organics has set a precedent. Cheap buybacks.

                        But organics really want NO CWB involvement at all.

                        Will work to be just like Ontario and Quebec and the feed mills.

                        No reason why conventional growers cannot do the same.

                        You have to network and push it.



                          The other thing bucket, is that your customer is always right.

                          Like I said before, you probably bought the little missus a nice diamond rock. And paid an arm and a leg. Don't tell me consumers aren't stupid.

                          But they are right.It's their money and they should buy what they want.

                          They want organic food?

                          Wish me well.



                            Beloved! Jaymo you touched a nerve of mine. Someone got up at the end of one of these CWB supper meetings this one in Humboldt and said we must protect this beloved CWB.
                            Thought it was Measner himself myself. Just kicking myself I didn't flip out.


                              So are Larry Hill and Korneychuck also organic?

                              Can anyone out there verify this?


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