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Y O U R Seeding intentions?

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    Y O U R Seeding intentions?

    Its that time again lets see what the consensus is on seeding intentions.
    On our farm it looked like Oats at Christmas was going to replace some wheat and barley acres.

    1200 Peas same as last year.
    3000 Canola up by one quarter (rotation)
    2000 Spring wheat up 200 from last year.
    1000 Durum up 100 from last year.
    480 barley up one quarter over last.
    300 acres Oats down from 6 quarters

    The math isn't right because of land that was added is larger than land seeded to forage.
    In East Central that could change if weather gets to wet and we are seeding in June. Then Flax and Oats will increase at expense of HRS.

    The math is right as of today End of march that's it. Seed bought.


      Peas - a few more acres
      Canola - about the same
      Hrsw - less
      Cpsr - more
      Canary - more
      Barley - same?
      Winter wht - more(these overnight temps not good)
      Oats - only in pot holes
      Still no clear direction on malt barley pricing from our area.
      Wheat midge may be very bad in this area.


        Canola down 300 rotation
        Peas up 650 acres
        HRS up 400
        Barley up 750
        Oats down 1500

        "may barley be free by harvest and wheat soon to follow"


          wheat same
          barley increase
          canola decrease
          oats decrease
          pulse crops increase

          all costs INCREASE


            50% canola
            33% HRS
            27% Barley

            Oats are out this year with barley Replacing those acres.


              i see you're giving it 110%


                For stats canada
                Barley 50%
                Peas 50%

                Lrg Grn Lentils 40%
                Durum 40%
                Flax 20%


                  As I tell statscan since they tell everyone else indirectly


                  And if they call and tell me that its the law to tell them my seeding intentions - I tell them to send me a copy of the law. They don't call aanymore. The next line is to ask "how much money will you have in your bank account after harvest" They say its none of my business and I say "bingo " and hang up.


                    I forgot all about my favorite people stats Canada waiting for this years call.
                    For our farm its
                    Oats 1/2
                    peas 1/2

                    I use to do the other NOYFB but they still called a few years later.




                        Gentlemen, please! easy on the Peas thing with stats Canada, I just bought my seed yesterday. Appreciated if you'd tell them what you're really going to grow, you know, TREES, aspen or even Christmas trees that way at the holidays everyone can buy a tree for next to nothing.


                          Excerpt from Callum Downs
                          Commodity Newsletter from Australia:


                          "Australian Wheat Acreage We are expecting a large lift in wheat acreage this year, with production possibly hitting a record 27 million tonnes.

                          At a meeting in Adelaide last week, Dick Warburton, Chairman of Tandou Ltd, indicated that they would be growing irrigated wheat this year, not

                          I have also heard that Cubby Station is going to move more acres to wheat at the expense of cotton.

                          I think at the margins we are going to see a lot of acres move to wheat from other crops where possible. So, we
                          should at least have a big acreage planted to wheat. It then just needs to rain to give us the production to match the acreage." UNQUOTE


                            I find it interesting that oats acreage is being reduced almost universally. What with it being a "free market" crop and you guys marketing geniuses I would have thought the opportunities for oats would be huge.


                              Haven't you managed to convince your friends in the beef section to move the cattle industry more in line with the NFU and cwb models grass?

                              What's taking so long?

                              Centrally priced/sold cattle is what you want isn't it? Have you proposed that to Randy, Cam, and the other guys who are trying to pull the cattle industry into the future?

                              What are your seeding intentions this year?


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