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US Malt Barley going to Biggar selling price $6.75!

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    US Malt Barley going to Biggar selling price $6.75!

    Here is one for the CWB supporters I got this the other day in ND from a very reliable source. That his ND Barley that he was loading was going to Biggar Saskatchewan or Prairie Malt and the selling price was $6.75 Canadian.
    Whats your price for Malt barley through the CWB?
    God dont they get a premium for us!

    Could you get Prairie Malt to tell you what they are paying the CWB for malt barley today?


      Mr. Goodale and his Happy Gang had the CWB legislation changed so that Americans could bring grain into Canada, with no tariffs no license, just wear a lots of lipstick and a smile,..... "Well, come ooooooon in".

      Do you suppose anyone at Prairie Malt will know they can buy imported American grain?


      They'll buy the CWB's asking price of $265.27 per bushel ...

      or was that an hour ago?


      Asking price has changed again.

      damn, can't keep up with the CWB's Marketing Department pricing.



        Vader if its that much then dont you think by now the CWB would increase the price to even 6.00 for our last years malt.
        Come on VADER you know the answer.
        Why does Anhauser Bush paying 9.00 for fall of 08 in ND and Montana.


          I wonder what the weighted average price is?


            I can Rod....lol but then I'm getting more than 6.75 for 07 production.( If my evil plan works)


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