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    Unless there is a copy of the contract, how would an e-mail or otherwise prove anything? You are still taking someone's word that happened. If you are going to make specific allegations and name names show us the proof. I won't give specifics or name individuals without proof . One can speculate on rumours, but not give specific identities. You on the other hand have identified the CWB without giving hard proof. If you are making that accusation you should make that evidence public. Saying they might have is far different than saying they have. If you have proof show it to one of the CWB directors, if you have the agates.


      Agstar you are a hypocrite you didn't name one name or present one piece of evidence in the following thread.


      All you did was start rumours and fear-monger.


        If you name names you must provide evidence, generalties or implications don't require evidence. But if names come , you will be the first to know.


          Hmmm....And so, after whom is the no-name Princess of Darkness named, that all the deleting kafluffle was about?

          The Liberal wannabe at the Wheat Borer's Table?

          Seems to me you want a different set of rules for the Wheat Borers.



            Lets recap:

            I offer you an email to prove my point - you chose not to and label it and backtrack. Have to have evidence.

            So i ask you:

            What evidence do you have that they are selling your grain at a premium. Hard evidence. Contracts, i think you called for...

            FYI - Aggie

            I've seen contracts. Corporate seals intact. Would you like to see one?

            Send me a verifiable email with a phone number.

            You can as you suggest:

            1) take it to someone on the BOD
            2) take it to the media

            Balls are in your court - pun intended.

            http://www.moviewavs.com/php/sounds/?id=gog&media=WAVS&type=Movies&movie=Few_Good_Men& quote=truth.txt&file=truth.wav


              Agstar said,<blockquote>"If you are the seed grower Who has exported 130 loads of so-called seed wheat, you might be in court. Apparently a an American trucking firm was hired and wheat was shipped as seed to the U.S. for 24 a Bus. and bought for 16, from local farmers. You shouldn't spend that Half Mill you made just yet."</blockquote>

              There is nothing general about this you are targeting a specific person here and are using specific details. It is you who need to provide evidence. Can you not live by your own rules even once?


                No names or locations were given. I do not have absoulute proof that there was wrong doing. There is information out there and I have more details but I won't give them without proof. I can say that the exported grain was most likely run through a plant for effect not necessarily to clean it. I must also note that in reading L. Weber's post again, he said Bored, and did not mention the CWB. Intentional or sarcasm or both?


                  You board boys sure do love your innuendo and fear mongering.

                  Translation, "Evidence, we don't need no stinkin' evidence..."


                    Back to the boycott. The Western Elevator Association and processors (maltsers and most floor mills) would be more than happy to refuse delivery of CWB grains if farmers held the threat of no deliveries to a facility of any grains. Would any company dare take the chance of overlooking the threat, especially when they want freedom from the monoploy as well.
                    I have reconsidered the start of the boycott to be May 1/2008. This will put more pressure on the CWB to be able to fullfill their giveaway contracts.
                    This action does not conform farmers to fall in line but puts the ball in the court of grain buyers and the CWB to move to an open market.
                    Farmers need the threat of a boycott to get the attention of eastern politions and media of our uncanadian CWB monoploy powers.


                      Boycot sounds feasible.



                        Boycott sounds even more feasible if we don't deliver our fixed price contracts.
                        Not that I reccommend not delivering against a contract I have no objection to not delivering against a CWB contract. CWB contracts are crap.

                        Screw the CWB.


                          If you don't deliver, then how about demanding the Directors to lay off a % of marketing staff? Ask for a recorded vote.

                          Why do we need them if there is no grain?



                            Why do we need them in the first place when most of the work is done by the accredited exporters?


                              Good points parsley and Fran.
                              I would like someone or group who is more organized, powerfull or has more influence than I, to take is boycott idea and make it reality.
                              It is unbelievable how many farmers have changed their mind to an open market in my community. We have no time to wait for government or political circles or the Cwb for that matter to change the way we market our wheat and barley.
                              Time is a wasting to profitability.


                                Why more influence? What have we gotten with influential louts? We just pay for more pension plans!

                                People like Beingamessanger writing to keep us in the Borg?

                                Radio interviews by spokesmen implying farmers are too stupid to market?

                                The elected CWB500dollardaydaycarers?

                                Send your email to melville/or/post your email and ask online for support and do it!

                                You should know by now the rink didn't get built by politicians or fancy suits. It got done by ordinary people like you and I.



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