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pro market wire

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    pro market wire

    Just want some opinions. Are services like pro market wire a valuable tool for commodity marketing? Is there any other Canadian online marketing newsletters?


    I like many of the daily newsletters my broker sends me.

    Larry Weber does a great DAILY newsletter that because I grow Nexera I get. Agriweek does a great job as well.

    DTN has a Canadian I-NET service that I subscribe to... it allows crossover to US info that is important!


      The three that tom has plus lots of googling ever time I here or think of something related to agriculture.
      Larry has lots of links to different stories.


        I use Pro Market Wire as well as a number of other services. Strength of Pro Market Wire is it is short and to the point. A plus when you are really busy and cranking long hours in the field. It also has a livestock slant if that is part of your business. Pro Farmer is more in depth with morning and evening report. Part of my breakfast routine. Deputters is weekly and gives an in depth big picture perspective. Best way to find out what you want is to ask for a trial subcription and compare the services and their costs.


          agriweek and larry's are free so go ahead and sign up.
          I don't think either is very good. Neither actually does
          any recommendations. Usually just a combination of
          option's from Hursh and Webber on each of their
          Webber has a good summary of ag news not really
          market recommendations.
          Ag cheive is not bad. he's new but ok. Kostal usually
          is decent. The best is John Deputter. You can usually
          get your sengenta rep to pay for it as well.


            Lots of market info sources at:




              so which would you say is better between ProMarket Wire and Deputter on recommendations and accuracy?


                Can't answer your question directly. However, I think producers need these kinds of info:
                1) Prices - cash prices and forward prices
                2) Market analysis - what happened and WHY.
                3) Market Outlook - given what happened and why, what are expected price possibilities
                4) Recommended Strategies.

                Many newsletters fill two or three of those needs so a producer likely needs several.

                As to which is more accurate, I can't answer that, firstly, because I don't read every newsletter there is - I actually work a little too, and secondly, quite a bit of a newsletter's content is based on opinion. Only hindsight will provide a judgement on accuracy. I'd suggest that producers get a trial-run of a couple of newsletters to see what appeals to them. Then shell out the Canuck Bucks for the one that meets your needs. And, remember, free doesn't means it's the one that will fill your needs the best. In fact, I think the lower the cost - unless someone else is paying the fee for you - the less likely it is to fill those four needs that I mentioned.


                  Pro market and Deputter tend to handle recommendations a little different.Pro market will tend to reinforce strategy based on sound business practice and less emphasis on actual recommendations. De putter does stick his neck on the line with actual recommendations and per cent sold. Each has it's own Merits.


                    I'm using ProFarmer now and like it quite well. Mike gives you 3 or 4 emails a day and gives sell recommendations, including total percent sold. One "why" article per day.


                      don't forget there are also more hands-on options out there.


                      our service package is more expensive than the information sources listed here but we make our fees back in the first couple of trades. our client retention rate is very high and those with us for more than a few months report much-reduced stress. it feels good and pays off to have someone watching the markets for or with you, negotiating on your behalf, to act as a sounding board on everything from planting decisions to a buyers' ability to pay their bills, and of course interpreting market signals for all your crops helping you decide when is the right time for your farm to pull the trigger.


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