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edge anywhere????????

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    edge anywhere????????

    Does anyone know if there is any Edge to be had in Saskatchewan???? In West Central Sask there is none left.

    Does this mean mustard acres may be high?


      I was told the company that makes it made a whole bunch that was not manufactured correctly so they are not able to make more in time for this year.


        I think your out of luck. You can use Bonanza as long as you don't need russian thistle control.
        There has been talk of short supply since October.


          Interesting, a company admitting a manufacturing mistake. I had trouble with Edge the last time, we used it. At first it seemed to be working, then wild oats recovered and grew. Contact the company, they said that there could be no mistake, CAUSE GET THIS, "there is a manufacturers seal printed on the paper bag the product comes in" so the the formulation couldn't be wrong. After a protracted fight though, money was refunded in the form of other products, the following year. Guess the company may have lied to me!!!!!!!!


            I've also heard that a supplier screwed something up and that entire batches had to be thrown out, another big use I've heard is that guys using clearfield lentils in areas with Kochia are using it and getting very clean fields.


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