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Shippers Rights

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    Shippers Rights

    Please pass this along to your Federal Mp add a note about what it costs your Farm if you will

    April 10, 2008

    For Release: Immediately

    Balanced accountability key to addressing railway service issues

    Winnipeg – The most fundamental issue that must be addressed in the Railway Service Review is to ensure a balance in accountability between a shipper and a railway, according to the Western Grain Elevator Association (WGEA). The WGEA notes the commencement of the railway service review announced by the Honourable Lawrence Cannon on Monday April 7, 2008, as a result of the rapidly deteriorating rail service being experienced by shippers.

    “If you build a house on a poor foundation it won’t be long before that house falls down”, said Wade Sobkowich, Executive Director of the WGEA. “Likewise, the key to effective and long term solutions in the grain transportation system is by first ensuring a balance in accountability between a shipper and a railway and an obligation on a railway to provide adequate service.” Sobkowich added that country elevators are required to load unit trains within specified time periods to achieve incentives and terminal operators must unload cars within 24 hours or they pay demurrage. However, there is no corresponding accountability on the railway side for a failure to supply, spot, and deliver railcars within specified time periods.

    In a normal commercial setting, competition will respond to opportunity to achieve this balance. With only one or two dominant carriers, the rail freight market does not function in a normal manner and in the absence of real competition the only option for the disadvantaged party is to try to artificially re-establish this balance through legislation or regulation. “In the past, concern about re-regulation as a solution has been expressed. Grain shippers are free enterprisers and would rather not see onerous regulation on commerce, but where rail competition is almost non-existent, a solution with a linkage to the legislation will have to stand in its place,” said Sobkowich.

    Along this vein, some have expressed that investment in the rail transportation system may diminish without further de-regulation. Sobkowich said the positioning of this message is concerning since shippers are only asking for a re-balancing of the system to foster acceptable service levels; “If it is true that the railways will stop investing in the rail infrastructure in Canada if they have to provide adequate service to shippers, it speaks volumes about how shippers are being treated today and only punctuates the need for additional disciplines in the system in the first place.” The WGEA notes that regulation was put in place due to the fact that the railway monopolies were started and provided by the government many years ago, but that present laws to curb this monopoly power are not working.

    The inability for shippers to plan movements is the single biggest issue in grain transportation. Service for grain shippers has deteriorated over recent months and years, which has prompted the need for a Railway Service Review in the first place. On average, shippers are seeing a weekly spotting performance of approximately 40% of car spotting plans, which have been rationed considerably relative to demand. The WGEA eagerly looks forward to participating in the review process.

    The WGEA is an association of nine farmer-owned, public and private grain businesses operating in Canada, which collectively handle in excess of 90% of western Canada’s bulk grain exports. Costs for grain movements through WGEA members are approximately one billion dollars.

    Contact: Wade Sobkowich

    Executive Director

    (204) 942-6835

    Ok I have a crazy idea.
    Since our roads are government property then why not our railroads should also be government property. Then smaller carrier companies could opperate. Even smaller shippers could get in the business. Vittera a big company could purchase and run their own cars along side a small pea or special grain shipper. Our rail shippers have failed us. Think about the economic benefit.
    By the way screw the CWB, CN and CP.


      Hopperbin et el...

      There is much more at risk for growers than first meets the eye... in both Board and non-board grains.

      Lack of reliable service on rail deliveries to port... increases the basis risk exponentially.

      HERE IS WHY.

      In a rising market... if the shipment gets to the consumer late... it causes huge disruptions... disruptions in the supply of the produce... and if we in Canada CANNOT be a reliable supplier... we CANNOT GET A PREMIUM PRICE IN A RISING MARKET.

      IN a falling market... we are really up the creek without a paddle.

      AN UNFULFILLED contract... is a broken contract... and the opportunity to deliver on the "hedge" created by the contract is GONE. Sales are then at the new lower price when the produce does eventually get to a marketable position.

      This is one real and important reason why the AG CLEARING HOUSE... as purposed will not work or mitigate risk for the grain sellers. WHAT grainco/grower... in their right mind... will sign a contact price 6, 12, 0r 18 months in advance and then have to turn around and pay THE AG CLEARINGHOUSE FOR margin calls for 100% OF THE PRICE CHANGE on that contract... without a secure logistics system.

      NO one in their right mind... will take this kind of risk. No wonder the banks like this Ag CLearinghouse... as do the CWB!

      At our meeting in Vegreville... Russ Crawford of the Ag Clearinghouse made in interesting observation...

      The Western Barley Growers... and the CWB... finally agree on something!

      tHE Ag Clearinghouse... and removal of CGC Bonding.

      OH DEAR!

      Think about why... The CWB does seperate bonding of CWB Agents... and is backstopped by gov. and the pool to protect the individual grower making a Board sale.

      If the CWB can get bonding removed... guess what! mUCH MORE economic and financial need to turn non-board grains in to CWB BOARD grains!

      So the railways have us in Canada... over a barrel... it is often not much different in the US... but the US car bid system does allow for some incentive for better US railroad performance (at a higher cost)...

      HOW do we create an incentive to get better service... so we can get better premiums and lower our basis risk?

      SWEARING and the railroads... grainco's... and even CWB... will not resolve this situation.

      The railroads simply withdraw service. That is their option... they use it to extract more money from us. That is the obvious gameplan... and CWB railtwisting... by regulation... has little impact... it in fact increases the resolve of the carriers to corner shippers and put them in a world of hurt... to force a show down... and increase profit on grain shipments over the rails.

      The increase in fuel and trucking costs... mean our alternative to rail is more expensive than ever before... the the Green revolution means they have even more leverage to keep the tonnes on the tracks!


      and Conservatives NORMALLY protect property rights... including the right to extract a premium and profit... which means the gov. is unlikely to allow running rights for other carriers on the present rail system in Canada.

      Obviously we have a huge MESS... and much work to do to straighten out this mess. Basis levels will reflect this problem in the interm... so we growers will pay and pay... until we work through these issues!

      In the meantime... swearing at CN and CP... for doing what they were and are set up to do... make a profit for their shareholders... is not productive!


        Reminds me of something I heard Ken Stickland say, one time - that Prairie children 'are taught to fear God and hate the CPR.'


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