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Wednesday With White

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    Wednesday With White

    Dear Agri-villers,

    With technology proving itself to be what it was cracked up to be, I took the liberty of inviting the CWB's freshest top executive to participate in Agri-ville's Commodity Marketing forum with farmers.

    I suggested every Wednesday would promise a thread on which he could read farmers' comments addressed to him.

    It seemed to me that 40 years of farmer-lobbying has fallen on deaf Board ears, so either the CWB hires only the deaf, in which case, writing on a blog would be more effective, or else CEO's are so turned off by constant lobbying, that some interactive play would be a refreshing change.

    Surprisingly, he replied this morning. And timely, too; with a sense of humor in play; and indicated he would read the website from time to time, and depending upon what is discussed, he would determine whether he would be involved in posting...or not.

    He actually indicated he seemed to like farmers in his somewhat lengthy email, which is astonishing to me after reading Wheat Board personnnel comparing farmers to German Shepherd dogs as reported in the Western Producer.

    So the ball is in our court.

    White sure doesn't seem like a whoosie-Aussie. He's approachable, and has some warmth to him, too.

    Ian White wrote he has a sense of humor, but he's on a Canadian learning curve right now, with time to read only a little, but not time to post a reply, so the jury is out on the humor; we'll see when he discovers thatthe choice-single-desk marketing war is not funny at all.

    I would suggest every Wednesday, that we create a fresh thread and call it "Wednesday with White".

    Farmers can post on the thread, and chances are he'll read it.

    Having a CWB CEO who would even consider it, is just as surprising for me as was calling the WCE, and having the head of the Exchange answer his own phone.

    These are the kinda guys who will drag Canadian business, kicking and and screaming they need a secretary to protect them from their customers, into the new world.

    So ask White, tell him, explain to him, coax him,.. your point of view, your suggestions, your recipe for improvements, on "Wednesday with White".

    His name is Ian White.

    He can make you money, or cost you a fortune.

    And remember, chances are he's reading your Wednesday post, so be who you choose to be, just like in real life.

    And I say that sincerely, because I find farmers are a really good bunch of people.

    Don't try to Whitewash him, either! LOL

    ...and who knows, he may just take a notion to answer YOUR question when he figures out where south is, where north is, where west is, and where east is. He is , after all, an Aussie a long way from home. LOL

    This is new stuff. I hope we can make it work for agriculture.

    My best, Parsley .

    Good call pars, most of us here have absolutly nothing to hide but - god forbid - common sense. Bring him on "lets get er done"


      Post on this very thread what you want to tell him. He can read it if he has time.

      He can answer if he chooses to answer.

      Or not.

      Next week, we'll start another thread by the same name.

      He probably wants to see what kind of issues you have. What you want him to fix. How to improve the Board.

      If you're wanting to know how to cure your damn warts, agstar, there'll probably be little chance of any response.




        The posts on this site originate from 10 wcwga and wcbga members, each logging on under several different id's.

        I'm sure Mr. White realizes this and won't waste his valueable time reading these threads.

        Afterall, as the WCWGA often says, "SHOULDN'T YOU BE SELLING MY WHEAT INSTEAD".

        By the way,your posts are becoming more strange all the time, even stranger than than T4CWB's.

        It must be the signs of excess wine use, or old age... or probably both.


          Beetle get a life!!! I do not belong to either membership! Believe it or not I am a free thinking farmer! Call me I will prove it 1-306-445-3347 if you have the &@!!$. You and others are sooooo far out of touch! Arogance just feuels the flame.


            Do you think he will read the really inteligent posts that end with S' T' CWB.? Now those posts really invite dialogue.


              First of all I would like to congratulate Mr. White on his new position as CEO of the CWB.

              I would ask Mr. White as CEO of the CWB how he will deal with the recent barley plebicite. A clear majority of barley producers have voted in favour of freedom in the marketing of barley Why does the CWB, which exists in theory, to enable farmers to obtain the best price, resist the clear results of the vote?

              Grainbettle you are definitely in the minority, you need to respect the rights and freedoms of others,and by the way this is only my third post on Agri-ville.


                Congratulations and thank you Mr. White for joining us here at Agriville.
                I would most earnestly like to do business with your organization if it earns my business by providing visible good value to my farm.


                  I think this is an excellent idea Parsley. You're to be commended for instigating a creative and positive approach to address farmers' concerns. I hope posters take the opportunity to respond in a mature and solution-oriented manner. I look forward to reading the weekly contributions.


                    Grainbeetle, this is an open forum where anyone and everyone can participate and contribute their two cents. Your conspiracy theories are as welcome as anyone else's thoughts, be they supporters of a status quo monopoly CWB or those who favour choice.


                      Dear IW,

                      The CWB is legislatively responsible for issuing export and interprovincial licenses to all applicants, right across Canada.

                      Licensing is their national duty, in conjunction with their more familiarily-known regional marketing duty in the DA.

                      Here's what the CWB is actually doing:

                      The CWB automatically issues no-buyback export/interprov licenses to all applicants outside the Designated Area(DA).

                      HOWEVER, the CWB has decided to DENY export/interprov licenses to all farmers inside the DA.

                      We're hogtied, IW.

                      Western farmers want/need national licensing approvals to be applied the same in the West as the CWB already does in Eastern Canada.

                      Westerners apply... and bingo, we should automatically be granted a license.

                      The change doesn't require legislation or ammendments to the Act. Or voodoo. Just a policy change.

                      Couldja fix this?



                        Parsley, you only speak for yourself not all western farmers.


                          That's correct, agstar.

                          The posts on Agriville threads are indeed not communal.

                          However, this forum also provides an opportunity for dissenting farmers, to state openely, that they do not want their fellow farmers in the West, to enjoy what Eastern farmers have enjoyed for decades.

                          Help yourself.

                          Recall I did comment, "be who you choose to be, just like in real life."



                            Agstar, Seems to me that Pars is speaking for 62% of Western Canadian farmers. Check the barley plebisite.

                            Wheat growers in Quebec required a 75% majority of their growers in order to create their compulsory marketing board. When have farmers in Western Canada ever voted on the compulsory CWB? You know darn well, Agstar, the CWB would never garner 75% support among Western Canadian growers.

                            Back in the '70's Western Canadian farmers voted to have canola(****seed at the time) included in the CWB. At that time a 2/3rds majority was required. The CWB did not have support of 50%. Agstar, would 67% of growers support compulsory CWB marketing in wheat or barley? I think not.


                              Good Morning IW,

                              Please examine the organic/conventional buyback issue.

                              It's playing like this:

                              The CWB denies licenses to only Westerners, thereby forcing all Westerners to sell their grain to the CWB or alternately, eat it.

                              So the grain becomes the legal property of the CWB.

                              Some farmers chose to buy their own grain back from the CWB owners.

                              This is called a buyback or, PDF.

                              Recently, the CWB "consentsitzed" in a backroom (meaning hammered in the media, lol), to allow organic farmers to buy their grain back from the CWB at affordable prices. A set fee per tonne.

                              But not for conventional farmers.

                              These are policy decisions at their worst.

                              1.It causes divisions in the farm community.

                              2.It is not consistent with whatthe Canadian Constitution expects.

                              3.It is egregious to conventional farmers because the fee is sometimes so high it halts commerce.

                              4.Ontario and Quebec get no-buyback licenses, so no legislative problems.

                              5.Mistrust of the CWB is rampant.

                              CONCLUSION: Western organic AND conventional farmers need no-buyback liceses. NOT low-cost buybacks, NOT zero buyback licenses.......

                              WE WANT NO-BUYBACK LICENSES.

                              Now, that's not difficult!

                              Best regards,


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