Generic Glyfos has dropped from February $7.12 liter to $6.07 liter.
Now this isn't clearout 41 but another American generic Glystar Plus.
Now this is in southern USA where they are busy doing burn offs etc.
Supplier has said he as what ever volume I need.
Problem our great PMRA wont let me bring this back to Canada.
Because can buy it in ND for pick up in two weeks.
Cant cross the border. Who won Chemical companies or Farmers.
Now this isn't clearout 41 but another American generic Glystar Plus.
Now this is in southern USA where they are busy doing burn offs etc.
Supplier has said he as what ever volume I need.
Problem our great PMRA wont let me bring this back to Canada.
Because can buy it in ND for pick up in two weeks.
Cant cross the border. Who won Chemical companies or Farmers.