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Grain Action - Putting Producers First

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    Grain Action - Putting Producers First

    Ok here's a link to a website championing the rights of prairie grain producers. Yet instead of championing the right to a more progressive, prosperous, value added future this group wants to keep the status quo.
    http://e-activist.com/ea-campaign/clientcampaign.do?ea.client.id=68&ea.campaign.id=4 81

    Its goal is to stop the government in reforming the Canadian Grain Commission and Bill C-39 and stop Bill C-46 the barley bill cold.
    Those groups supporting this are KAP, WRAP, APAS, CFA, ASWPC, NFU, PSCA (the agricultural union) Save my CWB and well yes, you guessed it the CWB its self.
    Main contact is a Jim Thompson, who was a former employee of .... yes the CWB !
    Seems like all there old employees want to continue working there! Remember Bob Roehle? he was influential during the recent court battles.
    This group is even advertising on the radio as I heard them today on a local radio station.
    One really has to wonder where do they find the resources for their continued campaign. The Friends of the CWB were almost broke after SK government pulled their funding. Is Manitoba picking up the tab?
    OR since the CWB its self is supporting this group, is our producer pool account monies funding this campaign??
    Have a look folks and see what you think. Can't do a damn thing on the lands here, white out conditions past 4 days, rural roads not bad, highways are a mess.

    I would think the most paplatable process would be if money from the pooling accounts was committed to fund "events", ie...... Libral fundraisers; or Wellsworkshops, enFyou Hadnuffconcerts, or, say,even flamingflaminfotografty.

    In turn, the "proceeds" from these events could be dedicated to this site for e-activists.

    Wouldn't that be a little more "legal"?



      Tried to send a message to Stephen Harper to keep up the good work, and to continue to make changes to the grain insudstry that were long overdue.

      Seems all you can send form this site is the load of crap they are spewing.

      They do not speak for me, my family, or my farm.

      I guarantee you that they do not speak for the majority of my friends that are in the business of commercial grain farming.


        I did look at the message they wanted you to send PM Harper yesterday. Was able to delete most of it, add my comments of moving a head, being progressive, making the changes needed, then I hit send and today I got back an email from the PM's office with my email attached showing that they go it!
        It's going to confuse the heck out of some one if all they wanted was the status quo and they get a bunch of emails from this group suggesting other!
        oh but I'm sure the CWB monitors of this site have told the operators of that other site of this flaw by now.
        Damn it!!!


          I just used it to send my own message, works like a charm. All you have to do is backspace over or delete the standard left wing nonsense and insert your own.

          Go to it folks!


            You guys are idiots. And I mean that in the best way possible.


              We love you too.


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