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Anhydrous drops again last week!

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    Anhydrous drops again last week!

    Latest US prices for Anhydrous.
    Dec 20, 07 395 382 321 563

    Jan 03, 08 390 374 351 1400

    Jan 10, 08 413 388 349 1400

    Jan 17, 08 425 378 356 1400

    Jan 24, 08 425 365 390 1400

    Jan 31, 08 510 343 396 1400

    Feb 07, 08 522 323 388 1400

    Feb 14, 08 553 328 389 1400

    Feb 21, 08 565 329 405 1400

    Feb 28, 08 565 324 414 1545

    Mar 06, 08 565 338 442 1545

    Mar 13, 08 560 377 453 1545

    Mar 20, 08 558 397 458 1727

    Mar 27, 08 535 398 459 1727

    Apr 03, 08 515 393 452 1727

    Apr 10, 08 480 422 494 1727

    Apr 17, 08 450 495 494 1727

    395 was the xmas price now 450 its getting closer. Us is already applying so the demand theory is BS.

    Phos is still through the roof.

    Farmers I have heard that Phos for fall could be 2000 ton. Just a rumor but hey why not do some test plots on your farm like were going to do. 40 acres at no phos increase your nitrogen. 40 acres phos at half our usual rate with jump start and then 40 acres of liquid phos with seed at 10 lbs.

    Hey pi-- on them if I am going to pay $400,000.00 for phos and only $200,000.00 for gas.

    The sooner p2o5 goes to $2000/tonne and NH3 goes to $1500/tone, and rent triples, the better off we will be, at least for those of us managing our DE ratio.

    for those who think the good times are here forever, and that their fathers were fools for not spening and buying more......., I'll be buying your land in 3.5 years from now.


      Grainbeetle, do you think it will take that long? An average or below average crop (even with crop prices at current levels) and inputs the same(likely higher) for next year and i think as many as 25% of the farmers will have to quit(bankrupt or sellout/retire hoping to get what their neighbors got this year for land and equip). I hope we get a good crop and prices hold but i have a bad feeling about spending any money on land or overpriced equipment this year.
      I think there are quite a few guys who contracted canola for sub $8 and peas/lentils also and barely grew enough to fill those contracts. Paid off last years inputs but didnt start buying this years till christmas or later at high cost(likely borrowed money too). It could be the perfect storm.
      An updated version of the old saying would be . $15 canola ($10 wheat) will break more guys than $5 canola( $2.50 wheat).


        Grain beetle I have a Excellent DE ratio how the heck do you think I keep purchasing property.
        This clip is to show farmers that were getting ripped off in Canada, And what they should do this spring is study their ground so as to make smart decisions next year if the worst happens.
        Yes guys are buying equipment like its going out of style. Problem is this time vs 1978 was we had almost 30 poor years and a lot of my neighbors machinery is finished. 10000 hr Four wheel drives etc.


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