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China to buy or lease farm land...

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    China to buy or lease farm land...

    China could lease overseas farming land to beat rising food prices, according to reports from Beijing.

    Soaring grain prices have encouraged the ministry of agriculture to consider the scheme, according to the Beijing Morning newspaper.

    Chinese enterprises would lease or even buy farmland in Latin America, Australia and the former Soviet Union.

    The land in production could replace Chinese farmland lost to rapidly growing cities and industrial zones.

    Pilot schemes

    The BBC's China analyst, Shirong Chen, says the initiative builds on recent experience.

    Ten years ago a Chinese company formed a joint venture with the Cuban government to set up two farms to grow rice in Cuba. A similar venture has been set up in Mexico.

    High international grain prices and the pressure of domestic inflation are the main factors behind the drive.

    Grain prices rose by 60 % on the global market in the first three months of the year, adding to inflationary forces in a country which needs to feed 1.3 billion people.

    Meanwhile official records showed that the amount of available arable land fell sharply in 2007, getting closer to the minimum level Beijing has vowed to retain.

    ... I wonder why western Canada... is not mentioned as an option?

    I wonder how much the CWB 'buyback' would cost them?

    tom you must be kidding that this would be a good thing. the canadian oilpatch is already mostly foreign owned and canadian royalties are among the lowest in the world and it's looking like canadians won't be getting enough out of it to clean up the mess left behind. now you wnat to sell the primary food production resource to the chinese? shortterm monetary gain for longterm foreign ownership pain!


      "China could lease overseas farming land to beat rising food prices, according to reports from Beijing".

      Then Tom says:

      "... I wonder why western Canada... is not mentioned as an option"?

      Their stated objective is to drive down grain prices.....obviously in direct contravention with our stated objectives.

      I gather from Tom's statement that he would welcome Chinese corporate farming as his neighbor, perhaps using foreign labor producing wheat for export to one of our largest customers, in direct competition with himself. If that makes sense to you Tom, you are crazier than I thought.

      And I suppose in answer to Tom's question, yes the CWB would be a major reason why Canada was not mentioned, because under our system they would not be able to export to themselves at a discount. The "buyback" would prevent that.

      In the absence of the CWB the chinese could probably accomplish their goal. And Tom thinks that is good.


        Turn farms over to corporations, vertical integration as the pork industry has gone. Package it up in nice bundles and overseas buyers will come in take control. Why would they waste their time with small pieces of farmland?


          Jensend and Vader,

          So you folks have become... GOD... and believe you should be responsible to Stop the flow of; technology, capital, and human resources... that may easily provide new, more effective, and more competitive ways to produce grain for a hungry world?

          This is quite a chunk of racism, discrimination, and arrogance... to bite off... all in one chunk!


            Ok you guys - lets think about this.

            Technically the Chinese are already here because they know how to manipulate the cwb. Yeah, Vader its true. I went to Winnipeg and a C to C thing once. I talked to one of the heads of sales at a dinner. Can't remember his name but his answer about dealing with the Chinese was "they are crooks". They get the boat half way across the ocean and then start renegotiating the price. At that point its a go or no go deal and the cwb caves.

            Tom - they don't have to come to Canada - they are guaranteed cheap product. They are currently talking all the markets down. The supply demand hasn't changed even with a bumper crop and that's not in the cards for production right now.

            The cwb and western canadian farmers are going to be shown one of the greatest grain thefts in history this year. One we will talk about for generations. The leeches in winnipeg won't lose their jobs - right Vader - but we will watch our neighbours leave and be forced out because of incompetent marketing.



              The CWB is first in line to do, they have done, this very thing... take a look at Robin Hood and ADM and our milling industry in Canada.

              How do I effectively compete with these giant Agents of the CWB... when the CWB hates me... and loves them!

              What arrogance and hypocrisy...

              And all I ask for... is the opportunity to pick/choose who I need to to business with... and not have the Vaders and Agstar77s of the world... making my choices for me.

              SO this is the role of the CWB...

              It is just fine for the CWB/Vader to choose.. Robin Hood/Cargill to be my link in the worlds' food value chain... and use my farms resourses... without my permission or that of our family?

              HOW IRONIC


                don't call me a racist tom. i've met a lot more racists packing bibles or other religious documents than those without. you proposed something stupid and don't want to be called on it. tell me one way that chinese ownership of canadian farmland would be good for canadians. i'm not god. i don't even pretend to know the mind of god, unlike you. funny how god comes up for the indefensible.



                  You are just a tad cynical in your post... about the Chinese...

                  Why on earth... would they ever respect us... when ourselves are more arrogant and racially discrimnatory than they are?

                  They see the standards we use... and use them with us!

                  I certainly am offended by having the CWB cover up, decieve, and tell everyone what freinds they are of the Chinese... if the opposite is in fact the case! The CWB will NEVER get us a fair deal... if this is the attitude and practical reality of CWB management!

                  No wonder the Americans get twice as much for their grain... at times... from folks in China!



                    If the shoe fits... wear it!

                    I just wonder... why exactly are you SOOO offended... if there is no truth in what I posted?

                    DO you actualy think GOD has a preference to love Canadians over above... or somewhat differently than the Chinese?


                      the old truth hurts thing, eh tom. no, actually mealymouthed namecalling offends me. god has no chosen people not even the most selfrighteous rightwing christians. and you haven't told me what good comes from the chinese farming canada. aren't you the one who has called on god to bless canada in previous posts? if hypocrisy offends you you must have a deep sense of selfloathing. the chinese could export nonboard grains to themselves couldn't they? maybe your cwb argument here is a red herring because the chinese probably don't want to buy up high priced land that if you look around isn't the most productive in the world. your cwb hatred makes you look foolish!



                        Just in case you missed it the first time

                        "So you folks have become... GOD... and believe you should be responsible to Stop the flow of; technology, capital, and human resources... that may easily provide new, more effective, and more competitive ways to produce grain for a hungry world?"

                        Investment by a partner... brings these above assets to the table...

                        Unless you are racist... you won't care who your partner is... it will most certainly matter what they bring to the value chain you choose to be a part of and benefit from.

                        You folks decided to "PLAY GOD"... and post the racist retoric... not me!

                        Now you want to blame it on me?

                        NICE TRY!


                          Tell the Chinese to go to h**l...our preferred country for selling out everything to is the USA. WE don't need anything for ourselves...let's just sell everything and sit back and watch them run things. It was bad enough when our Albertan AG minister in years past, tried to sell out our hog industry to the Taiwanese.

                          We need some politicians with GUTS, and not the kind that Harper carries around either, to respond to these overtures, should they be made to Canada, and say NO...in no uncertain terms.

                          And Tom, that is not racist either...it is self-preservation.



                            Spew all the racist retoric you like.. it is still what you deny it is.

                            Just like the CWB... Denial isn't just a river in Egypt... it is alive and well at the CWB!

                            AND the CWB claims to be 'commercial' and 'market transparent' and working for the best interests of my family and farm... with an attitudes like Wilagro, Vader, Jensend, and Agstar77... at its helm?

                            GOD help us all!


                              Fouty-two leaders from state farms in China visited our farm approx a decade ago.

                              They were interested at that time, in setting up "communities" in Canada. Working, learning how to farm in Canada.

                              I was not interested to be a participane for these reasons:

                              1. Philosophically, China had one big state farm mentality, similar to the CWB mentality, where the individual has no value. Canada, on the other hand, is based upon and built upon the free enterprise system.

                              2. Culturally, they knew little of our instiutions that Canada depends upon to be "Canadian". All of the Chinese were full-bloom communists, and most atheists, some of them were Muslim. They ate differently, spoke a different language,did not dance the same. Naturally, we did have some commonality...dress, social niceties, gift exchanges, and a will to converse, and learn from each other.

                              Canada/Canadians must firstly, know in their own mind, who they are identify what they like, so they better understand who they do not want to become.

                              If Canadians like a free enterprise system, as is now in Canada, then we must insist upon those coming to Canada that THEY must abide by our system and rules and NOT the other way around.

                              I was not prepared to assit the establishemnt of a small "Can-China" within the confines of the West, any more than I would be prepared to try to establish a "mini-Canada " within the confines of China's borders.



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