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List of Censored Posts

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    List of Censored Posts

    I'm concerned that censorship can be applied more vigorously on certain topics than other. Could the moderator please supply a list of topics that have recently been deleted and apparently totally disappeared.

    Charlie is away backpacking in southeast Asia. I can't give you an answer as to what has been deleted over time. I will ask Joe Dales to respond but I really wonder if he maintains such a list.


      The Politically Correct answer is not as follows:

      Deleted posts routinely appear to be CWB related.

      gasp one

      That's almost like someone's little fluffy escaping during a CWB's backroom marketing meeting.

      gasp two



        I like this site and I like the discussion and varying views. Its also fair to say that one of the comments posted made myself (and probably others) some substancial profits.
        However; if there is any sneakieness going on; some may have very low tolerance levels for that type of thing. Participation can suffer.
        On the other hand; if moderators are doing their best and trying to be fair; we have to have some tolerance for their difficlt job. Threads can be closed and explanations given; but maybe the rest of the comments and discussion should be respected and not just dissapear.


          Actually, Charlie and I, in spite of our substantial physical prowess, don't have the power to remove individual posts or entire threads. The owner of the web site is the only one that can do that, sometimes at our suggestion or sometimes at their initiative.


            And you accuse me of buck-passing, melville. LOL

            Some day we will sit down and visit, and I will tell you how much I appreciate your moderation.....lol

            First, I will need a prep course,(a custom course taught by that s-i-law ganging up with the engineer son@Phd; if I come through unscathed, I think I'm ready for you).

            Next time just say you have a sore foot. LOL



              Actually, pars, I'm looking forward to meeting you. In the meantime I'm sharpening the toes of my shoes in case I get the opportunity to aim a well-placed kick at your b___!

              Really, Charlie and I don't have the power to remove entire discussions or even an individual post. We sometimes suggest to the Agriville folks when we think that a post should be removed but the web site owner has final authority and access to the computer power to do it.

              One more thing, pars, be nice to me so I'm not tempted to test the strength of my 66 Meteor's front bumper on you! LOL.


                Plus the fact that 99.9 percent of the heated discussions that result in libel slander and assorted name calling on this site seem to be around one subject would lead one to think that topic would see the greatest number of removals,

                PS lee, Charlie is at home working on training his new pitbull rotweiller cross guard dog right????? Besides he doesn't have any Canola to steal so why would anyone here care.



                  During my present galavanting, I am trying to muster enthusiasm for the non-tempting kick and bumper-run, obviously some of your charming local customs, but decided I could write about them, instead.

                  Are survivors more manageable for you?



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