Today is an interesting test of things on corn. Pretty bullish S&D on US corn but not much market reaction. Suspect this S&D is built into the $6.50/bu corn already. Then you can get into the what ifs - what if yield isn't the forecast 154/bu acre? What if is 160/acre (happened in 2004 - corn has the yield potential)? From there, what does a manager do with this information?
Just curious as to how much knowledge farmers have about Canada's fit into the world (back to the thread question)? If Canada had a barley crop failure, would the world notice? Likely important to malt barley but would mean squat in terms of world feedgrain production/trade. Will impact the domestic market but can the livestock industry handle the increased costs/long term what will a 25 to 50 % decline in livestock numbers mean to consumption? A wheat crop failure (quantity or quality)? Canada is about 4 % of world production and about 15 % of trade.
Just curious as to how much knowledge farmers have about Canada's fit into the world (back to the thread question)? If Canada had a barley crop failure, would the world notice? Likely important to malt barley but would mean squat in terms of world feedgrain production/trade. Will impact the domestic market but can the livestock industry handle the increased costs/long term what will a 25 to 50 % decline in livestock numbers mean to consumption? A wheat crop failure (quantity or quality)? Canada is about 4 % of world production and about 15 % of trade.