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Australia Drough Conditions!

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    Australia Drough Conditions!

    What about that bumper crop that they were bragging about. Their is a great article in http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601012&sid=aTb7Xx22qtXE&refer=commoditi es
    That if rain doesnt come in next few weeks they are going to be in trouble. Oh Crap we havent had a hot day in canada since the 82 above day in early april. And melville nothing is growing any where from Calgary to winterpeg.
    These guys that were bragging about bumper crops just tick me off. Oh yea the lows over the weekend in Kansas etc were freezing or close to it. Yea their anouther bumper crop.

    Yes it could rain and we finally could warm up and mother nature could give us all bumpers, but what I am trying to get across is the situation in grains is so tight that one screw up somewhere in world and look out.

    oh yea were close to half done but got 3/4 of a inch last night.


      australia at the minute is in average condition not dry not wet some planting going on,some not started sort of very normal for this time of year


        Hey, whats up with all the reports out of their about this bin buster crop that we have been hearing about.


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