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    I dont know what to think.

    http://www.bloomberg.com/avp/avp.htm?N=ceo&T=Sandor%20Says%20Carbon%20Trading%2 0Market%20Worth%20%60Trillions'&clipSRC=mms://media2.bloomberg.com/cache/vZX.Vbu1Uqic.asf

    CP, what's your thinking on this consolidation were in??

    I'm thinking Mondays first crop report on Corn should get this thing going. Lots of reseeding being done. Won't be trend line yields.

    I still don't think Beans are done, or commodities in general for that matter. June 10 the first supply/demand report is what is going to launch Beans, in my opinion.

    I'm thinking Crude is done looking at the nearby, for the short term??

    Any thoughts???


      I agree.
      As soon as the money stops pouring into crude we should expect another up leg.(not as dramatic as the first)
      If this was the correction in the grains and were already almost through it-WE ARE LAUGHING.
      Possible outcomes may mirror other commodities that have already been through this.
      Everybody should look at the monthly charts(ten year time frames) of oil,copper,gold,etc.
      Goto barcharts.com if you dont have a good site.
      If you need navigational help at the site-just ask.

      Please,Please Mother Nature dont take it away.


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