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Why speculators are good for us

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    Oh yeah, getting all that voluntarily traded speculator money out of the markets is a great idea. I love the thought of a price "implosion" right now.

    Before you know it farmers get to go cap in hand back to government to pay the grocery bills just like in jensens world.


      Some people even say china has a freeer market than us.(Is freeer a word fran?)

      A market can not be manipulated or controlled over a long term.

      Reasons the finacial entities of the world(specs,funds,individuals,governments etc,etc)want a piece of commodities.

      In no particulair order.

      -relestate market is toast,no return or less
      -bond market may as well be no return
      -stock market no return, less of a return if priced in us dollars
      -worlds reserve curreny has lost over 40 some percent of value in the last five years
      - globabl m3 is groing at double digit rates
      -unfunded us government liabilities north of 53 trillion
      -us government budjet shortfalls over 500 billion per year
      us government current account defict over 500 billion per year
      -growing global tensions
      -balloning population growth




        geez fran your snide comments reveal even less understanding than your non-snide comments. by the way it's 'au contraire' not 'oh contraire'. i know you're fussy about these things. you're so ruled by some imaginary philosophy that you can't understand or don't want to acknowledge the substance of what i say. just reference melvill's thread about george soros' comments today and compare the reasoning to wally williams simplistic nonsense and wait to see who's right - a chairman of a fund managing $17bn or a hack columnist. you'll have to expand your reading list if you want to understand what's going on in economies today. i'm done with this; have a good day and good luck with your crops.


          Just read it.

          Soros said he is not in favour of more regulation.

          The best stuff from Melvill's link comes from Clark McKinley from The California Public Employees’Retirement Plan.

          <blockquote><b>“Futures investments of all public pension funds are less than 5 per cent of commodities indexes</b> ... The actual impact in the market is small, a chip in the woodpile,” he added. “The price spikes stem from fundamental supply and demand dynamics.” </blockquote>

          He added: <b>“There are many cases of price spikes before any pension fund invested in commodities. There are current record food prices for which there are no futures contracts.”</b>

          But they only invest about a billion dollars so they must be a bunch of hacks as well.


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