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Trouble big time

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    Trouble big time

    Just checking canola feilds, early seeded stuff is in serious trouble! As of last thursday I had 15-30 plants/m2.
    What I did is pin flaged every canola plant we looked at that crop ins said would be O.K. - 14 flags- 3 dead on friday. Toaday, - 7 dead out of 14 that crop ins said would be good to go. And anouther 3 will die within days with no rain. I and many others had a 20-30% kill off the get go, and anouther 50% of that is dieing as of tonight. But only light frost damage according to Terry Bumdart!! this crop in this area, kind of a big area btw, is in big trouble!


    With OUt rain.... Canola will die.

    Simple as that!

    2002 was proof of that... it will take a very long Time to forget 2002 for us in central Alberta!


      You know all my wheat came up nice this year except one quarter which I purchased this year. Reason is it was heavy harrowed last fall, that harrow job is sure showing up this spring. If it was planted earlier it would have been OK but since my wheat was planted last the harrow job sure showed up.


        I know that there Tom, my point is that sask ag ond frod, is still saying light frost damage with little effect.
        This canola crop has just lost a min 5 bus/ac, my thoughts are ten and this is not a small area. Crops always can recover with rain shortly after a stressfull condition. Look hard at the current drought maps - the majoity of sask is in big trouble. BTW, over 50% of canola in western canada is grown in the northern 1/3 of the crop area in sask. But hey all is good, right Tom?, you are starting to sound like a gov't crop reporter. Most farmers/marketers in Alberta do not realize how much canola acreage is in sask! World scale not much, Canadian production wise - huge!!! Father time will tell the tale, I hope I am wrong.


          Tom, you are not the only ones who suffered in 2002 - we all got the very short end of the stick. Some of us it was three years in a row there pal, then a fall frost that killed us in 04. Do not play whow sory is me, we have been there, with our fair shair of drought, hail,and frost over the past 5 years. we have had more sh1t thrown at us in 5 years than my father had seen in 38 years of farming. Sorry for the rant.


            Hopperbin- curious to why heavy harrowing affected your wheat? I'm new at farming and am trying to learn as much as possible. Thanks



              My 02 comment was not meant to ask for pity... just a year we will not forget... if we are intelligent!

              Hope it rains soon!


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