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    I want to wrap up what I've learned from my discourse with you, and properly think about them.

    jensend Gems:

    1. If your don't like the CWB, and the CWB system, leave.

    2. All G8 citizens are hopelessly deterioratingly bad, have no say in how their country is run, and are either now fascist, or almost fascist.

    3. Marketing without the CWB would not be easy.

    4. People visiting East Germany are classified as world-travellers.

    5. The USA is the top fascist country in the world.

    Parsley is pondering each point you made and giving them due consideration:

    1. Can and must the CWB system be changed or should I pack?

    2. Is it possible that people want a good country, and can have one if individuals roll up their sleeves and make changes or should I snooze?

    3.Could it be that not just travelling into other countries, but travelling in your own country, is helpful too? Would seeing how a regulation is applied in one part of the Canada and comparing it to how the regulation is applied in another part of the country be enlightening about our insitutions or should I have a wine to forget it?

    4. If the USA is so horrible, why is it the most desirable place in the world for immigrating applicants to apply to, and oh, should I cancel my trip coming up, and yikes, also my trip to Sweden?

    You have certainly caused me pausm.



      i guess we each realize we have nothing to talk about once again. have a good june day. i know i will.


        I'm curious parsley, What was the forced monopoly legislation that led to inbreeding in the cattle industry? was it a cwb program?



          No person got thrown in jail for running a good herd genetic plan... or by producing the best most efficient cattle.

          How did you dream up the Idea that these two are comparable...

          Get Angus... and get smart!

          You can even choose Black or Red!


            I didn't dream it up TOM, perhaps your buddy parsley did hence my question to her.



              OK...following your logic... we come to...

              If in cattle breeding there is/was a problem... that justifies the CWB monopoly today?

              What is your point?


                Interpretation of Part

                47 In this Part,

                (a) "keeper" includes any person who owns, harbours or has the custody or control of a bull;

                (b) "prohibited area" means area within the boundaries of any agricultural society and any other part of the Province that is declared by the Governor in Council to be a prohibited area for the purposes of this Part;

                (c) "pure-bred bull" means bull registered in a herd-book kept or recognized by the Department;

                (d) "scrub bull" means bull which is not registered in a herd-book kept or recognized by the Department. R.S., c. 6, s. 47.

                Bulls confined

                48 (1) The keeper of a bull shall not allow the bull to run at large after the bull is eight months old.

                Manner of confinement

                (2) All bulls over eight months old shall be kept at all times either in a secure stall or paddock or on tether. R.S., c. 6, s. 48.

                Service by scrub bull

                49 No keeper of a scrub bull shall allow or permit the scrub bull to serve any cow that is owned or harboured or kept within any prohibited area except a cow owned by him as hereinafter provided. R.S., c. 6, s. 49.

                Permit to serve cow

                50 (1) Where it is made to appear to the president or secretary of an agricultural society that it is impracticable for a person owning a cow within the boundaries of the society to procure the services of a pure-bred bull, the president or secretary may issue a permit in writing authorizing the keeper of a scrub bull to allow such bull to serve the cow.


                (2) In case of the refusal or neglect to issue the permit, the Superintendent of Agricultural Associations may, if he thinks proper, issue the same. R.S., c. 6, s. 50.

                Pure-bred cattle area

                51 The Governor in Council may declare any area to be a pure-bred cattle area, if at least two thirds of the cattle owners resident within the area petition the Minister in writing to have the area so declared. R.S., c. 6, s. 51

                an addendum to gf

                It appears, not that very long ago, as if you left behind what you wholesomly rejected,(otherwise you would not be in Canada). But keep in mind that you draw from and recollect from from a knowledge base of the rejected, of what you didn't like.

                Canadian farmers who have had the opportunity of drawing from positive intergenerational experience in this country can be a good resource for you to learn from.

                In other words gf, don't expect to immigrate here, arbitrarily decide you know the best way to run agriculture in Canada, and expect a lot of fourth and fifth generations farmers to goosestep to your tractor.

                Sign up for a course in "Respecting Experienced Peers".



                  yeah grassfarmer! we expect people like you to know your place. don't step out of line or think any of your experience has taught you anything. you just sit back and watch the rest of us and you'll learn a lot. maybe not what we think you're learning. lol. canadian regulations that produced the dwarf cattle must have been very powerful because american cattle were of the same stature. parsley i guess your divorce from reality is final, huh? rotflmao.


                    The jensend Gems that will save farming:

                    1. If you don't like the CWB leave.

                    2. G8 citizens are all almost fascist.

                    3. Marketing without the CWB is hard.

                    4. East Germany visit classifies you as world-traveller.

                    5. USA is top fascist country in the world.

                    You must be a positive, fun guy.




                      the parsley gems:

                      everything that parsley doesn't agree with is wrong and evil and is the fault of the cwb.

                      the united states is the greatest nation on earth and has no faults and anybody not from here knows nothing and has nothing to offer.

                      parsley doesn't have to know anything to have an opinion. she also doesn't have to address issues just make snide comments.

                      parsley needs new meds.


                        jensend Gems simply reflect what you wrote. I just didn't let you away with them, I returned them.

                        I think I addressed most issues you asked about, but you just wanted to move on to the next and the next, and then declare moving as the final solution.

                        I noticed you put nothing positive on the table for a conversation to build upon.

                        You don't want to pull up the best in people, jensend, and build from their best.

                        It is what it is.

                        A good example of why I need choose my own business partners.



                          A question for you jensend,

                          What were the key points you learned about life by visiting East Germany?



                            That was hilarious Parsley, the articles you posted were all about protecting the integrity of purebred cattle versus allowing scrub bulls to propagate. So some forward thinking chaps went to Europe with a plane and imported the exotics. The exotics weren't scrub bulls though - they were bred for many, many generations of recorded purebred cattle with stricter rules than you posted here.
                            And the irony is today that most of the cattle in North America are effectively scrub cattle with all the crossbred bulls being used. No wonder the quality of cattle and beef has been falling steadily for the last 40 years. So I guess you chose to back the wrong side on this issue too.

                            Still... I guess you are ahead of TOM he still thinks that it's me bringing forth the comparison of cattle breeding and the CWB....


                              For many years, all cowherds were required to use a purebred bull.

                              Consequently, many bulls which should have been culled, were not culled. They were valued highly, monetarily.

                              Dwarf calves started showing up. It was a problem in the sixties.

                              I believe the earlier legislation was a precursor to the ammended I posted. I didn't have time to search. (It wasn't an article gf, it was an excerpt from legislation.)

                              Scrub bulls were not to be used.



                                parsley i learned strict govt. control doesn't work. since then i've also figured out strict control by anybody doesn't work. i've also figured out, as have many if not most, no form of govt. is perfect. observation will teach anybody that economies and forms of govt. evolve. you're the one with the closed mind.


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