1. I predict the CWB will set the price of buybacks higher come August first, and then set buybacks incrementally higher all the time, so that organic self-marketers have less and less profit margins to run on.
2, I predict that that CWB will continuously contact all organic buyers and undercut the price asked for by the farmer.
3. I predict that that CWB will then really start pushing marketing organics....HARD, and take money from pooling accounts, contingency fund, wherever they can find it, to promote organics, and market them.
"CWB dey sells da hellty food" , the headlines will scream after their Ottawa press conference.
"Eating organics makes you fierce," after Edmonton's press conference.
"Organic flour replaces viagra," in Toronto and also Winnipeg,concurrent with the new research lab's press release.
4. The CWB is aiming at running organic farmers out of marketing their own grain.
5. Can you guess what's next on the central planning agenda?
Uh huh.
2, I predict that that CWB will continuously contact all organic buyers and undercut the price asked for by the farmer.
3. I predict that that CWB will then really start pushing marketing organics....HARD, and take money from pooling accounts, contingency fund, wherever they can find it, to promote organics, and market them.
"CWB dey sells da hellty food" , the headlines will scream after their Ottawa press conference.
"Eating organics makes you fierce," after Edmonton's press conference.
"Organic flour replaces viagra," in Toronto and also Winnipeg,concurrent with the new research lab's press release.
4. The CWB is aiming at running organic farmers out of marketing their own grain.
5. Can you guess what's next on the central planning agenda?
Uh huh.