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"Why Mexicans Don't Drink Molson"

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    "Why Mexicans Don't Drink Molson"

    A 2007 book written by Andrea Mandel-Campbell about international business. A super gift from an Alberta friend.

    Should be required reading by the CWB Board of Directors before they get their next per diem cheque.

    One excerpt:

    "So where are the Canadian manufacturers? From pasta brands Catelli and Lancia to flour miller Robin Hood, it's all American owned.

    The Wheat Board has argued that it is precisely because of the American hegemony that farmers need it to defend them against massive U.S. conglomerates.

    In reality, the board has helped ensure that there would never be a Canadian industry to rival the Americans."

    How about this quote....

    "The Canadian Wheat Board and the tattered ruins of the Atlantic fishery are perhaps the greatest testemants to the destructiveness of ill-conceived government policy and regulation."



    Chairman Larry wrote this:


    "It has been proven time and time again that the CWB does not distort trade, that it acts in a commercial fashion, that it does not dump grain and that it does not benefit from unfair subsidies."

    I could spit nails.

    The question should be... Why should Canadian barley & wheat growers... go to jail... for trying to sell their own grain?



      Did you see this?

      Iraq strikes deal to buy 'huge' amount of wheat

      Iraq, which imports 80 per cent of its grain needs, said it agreed to buy "huge" amounts of wheat from Canada to diversify imports and build stockpiles after drought damaged crops in the Middle Eastern country.

      "We want to conclude wheat deals directly with the Canadian government and the Canadian Wheat Board," Abd al-Falah al-Sudani, Iraq's minister of trade, said in a statement on the ministry's website yesterday, without specifying the amount it agreed to buy. "We also need their expertise to reclaim salinated land and deal with drought."

      Wheat production this year may be as low as 1 million tonnes, down from 2.3 million tonnes last year, because of drought, Al-Sudani said. "Iraq needs 4.5 million tonnes of wheat a year to secure subsidized food for its people," he said in the statement. "We also urged the Canadians to invest in agricultural projects."

      June 18, 2008
      http://www.world-grain.com/news/newsfinder.asp?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgI d=586&docId=l:808661108&topicId=14429&start=2&topi cs=single


        Oh boy, permit book holders won't be able to wait for the premium maket prices Iraq will wave in front of the CWB's nose!

        Or are we merely food aid grunts for the Federal Government?

        Same book:

        "...,there is barely a corner of the Canadian economy that is not in some way hobbled by interventionist policies that stife entrepreneurism and condemn Canadians to being inward-looking commodity producers."

        "Most disturbing of all is the almost willfull blindness to the systemic failures and the refusal to acknowledge the real source of the problems."

        That last one Larry Hill and CWB Directors should read twice.

        They are so blinded bu political ideology that if they had accompanied Darwin, they would have denied that animals even vary.



          Moeson's produces a garbage drink product. Wouldn't sell in Brazil, not likely to sell in Mexico, or anywhere in the wide, wide world, except Canadia of course. I am Canadian, I'll drink anything, and pay a premium price to do so, ha, ha, ha, LOL!


            Last time that I was in Mexico, I drank mostly Japanese beer, some Australian and lots of Mexican draft which was quite good.

            The old Sicks Lethbridge Pilsener was good too but is no more...so I rarely drink Canadian beer which in most cases is barely drinkable.

            Parsley...those anti-CWB books will cause you to go into a deep depression...throw them away before it is too late.


              Willie, why is it that you automatically label everyone who believes that farmers should be free to sell their grain to whomever they want including the CWB "anti-CWB"?

              Is it because you know the CWB can't compete?


                Speaking of Darwin, willagro, do you still rub together sticks when you light the fire in that small barrel in your water-trough/tractor tire when you're watering cattle in the winter?

                We understand where your depression
                talk comes from....

                Still resisting change, huh? Honestly, willy, life could be so much easier if you'd just TRY incremental change.



                  OMG, willagro,

                  You still wear felt boots, right?



                    Yes parsley...I still wear "felt boots" , still a good choice for dis country. I also have the "new" -50 degree insulated ones as well.

                    I downloaded the recent CBC interview with Andrea Mandel-Campbell. She doesn't sound too radical at all, in fact I was quite impressed with her discourse. With high-speed internet pod-casts that used to take ages are downloaded in a little over a minute.


                      Parsley, you poor, poor, poor, sad, sad, person. Bet you find commies each and every day all around you. You are from an era, long past. Go South for goodness sake, arm yourself to the teeth. seek capitalism in its truest form. The US needs more terrified commie hunters like you, to carry out their plans. Fidel must really, really, really bug you. But he is a friend of Sheritt's who are true blue Capies!! What is a commie anyway. Bet you don't even know!!



                        Actually... you describe the definition well.

                        1. The world owes you a good living.

                        2. You have no personal responsibility to add anything constructive/productive to society.

                        3. Faith and Hope in the future... are backed by the power to take a neighbours property... if that is what you think you need.

                        In other words... you & those who think like you; are God...


                        If we don't like it... well... we can just go suck on a rock till we get it through our thick skulls... that you/yours know what is best for us and our families!

                        Personal choice for us is optional... and only allowed if you/yours approve!


                          Consider yourself fortunate you live in a capitalist country, burbert. You are able to publically disagree. And you are not fenced-in Canada, surrounded by armed guards at the borders shooting at you if you try to escape.

                          Cuba is.

                          Appreciate what a capitalist country has built and provided for you.




                            The above applies to the Federal Court/CWB as well.

                            These Judges must be smoking something... when they ruled on me... the Federal Court said only the government could tell the CWB what to do.

                            Hypocrisy at its finest!

                            I do know when Goodale set up the new CWB legislation... in 1998... it was his objective to try to have neither the government nor the courts have any jurisdiction over the CWB.


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