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Time to fight back!

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    Time to fight back!

    Re: Court overturns gag order on Wheat Board.

    Why don't we as farmers play hardball and start a boycott of any radio, televison or print media that accepts any paid advertising or plays CWB News-Releases? Cancel that subscription or throw away the free farm paper if you have to. Listen to an urban news station instead of the local one if you have to. I've been doing this for a while already. Care to join me?

    It is getting Sirius in western Canada.


      Good idea! Here is some contact info for farmers who want to warn anyone of their plans:

      Saskatchewan Newspapers: http://www.altstuff.com/newssk.htm

      Saskatchewan Radio: http://listingsca.com/Saskatchewan/Media/Broadcast/

      Manitoba Radio: http://listingsca.com/Manitoba/Media/Broadcast/Radio/

      Manitoba Newspapers:


        Burying your head in the sand is not going to shut out the "truth" about the CWB or this Harper gov't and its attempts to stifle facts and subvert process.


          That's because you can't handle the truth! Maybe Steve could set up his own radio station, for true believers only.


            It's more about spending my durum 'final payment' on propaganda! If you want to continue the fairy tale, pay for it out of your own money by joining the "Farmers Union".


              A durum final payment you must be joking were talking the CWB they will make sure every single farmer out their never achieves more than mediocre existence.
              That's the Canadian Way.


                Media Release
                For Immediate Release: June 20, 2008

                Wheat Growers Appalled by Outrageous Court Decision

                The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association is astounded by a federal court ruling released today that allows the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), a creature of government, to actively campaign in the political debate over its monopoly.

                "This is an outrageous decision," says Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel, President of the Wheat Growers. "If allowed to stand, it means the CWB can take my money and use it to lobby against me."

                The decision by Justice Hughes fails to take into account the compulsory nature of the CWB.

                Parliament of Canada has conferred extensive regulatory powers to the CWB that prevent prairie farmers from selling their wheat and barley to a buyer of their choice.

                This means that western farmers who grow food quality wheat and barley have little choice but to deliver their grain to the CWB, and pay for all costs it incurs.

                The Wheat Growers also question how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms could permit a judge to give greater freedom of expression to a government-created institution than to the citizens forced to operate under it.

                "How can the Charter possibly allow a government institution to champion the political views of one group of farmers over another" says Mike Bast, Chair of the Wheat Growers. "The majority of farmers want marketing freedom and yet the CWB will be allowed to use their funds against them."

                The Wheat Growers note the ruling opens the door for the CWB to make donations to political parties, as it has done so in the past. The Wheat Growers believe Canadian citizens, including prairie farmers, should not be compelled to contribute to political parties or causes they do not support.

                The Wheat Growers vigorously defend the right of any individual farmer, citizen, private business or voluntary farm organization to take a position on the CWB monopoly or any other matter of public policy.

                "If the Court ruling is allowed to stand, it means my money can be used, without my consent, to express and promote a political view that I strongly disagree with," says Jolly-Nagel. "This represents a gross violation of MY freedom of expression."

                The Wheat Growers strongly urge the federal government to appeal this egregious Court decision.

                For further comment, please contact,

                Mike Bast
                Cell (204) 330-0053

                Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel
                Cell (306) 354-7368


                  Yeah the 'Wheat Growers' and their 400 members.

                  Their only mission is to make sure agri-business has its fair share of farmers pocketbooks.


                    According to the CWB's own survey there are a lot more than 400 farmers who agree with the Wheat Growers.


                      Then why don't they have more members.


                        So the more members, the better the organization?

                        The bigger the family, the better?


                        Why is it Switzerland has the highest per capita income in the world? Six million folks, there.

                        And China?......

                        uh huh.

                        Church reasonisms.




                          So why doesn't the NFU in Sask have 10x the members the wheat growers have?

                          Wildrose in Ab... same thing...

                          Some organisations would rather be true to their principals... than compromise!

                          10 hard working people can get much more done.... than 10,000 folks who don't care!


                            Oh the double standards "If allowed to stand, it means the CWB can take my money and use it to lobby against me." Western Wheat Growers.
                            But I guess it was OK when the AB government was using taxpayer money(including that of AB producers supporting the cwb) to run election ads against the cwb at the time of the barley vote?

                            "Why doesn't the NFU in Sask have 10x the members the wheat growers have? Wildrose in Ab... same thing..." Well one reason as I'm sure you are aware TOM is funding ... Wildrose did approach the AB Government to be recognised as a legitimate producer organisation and receive the funding that goes along with that recognition. They were shown the door because they were unwilling to compromise their principals on the CWB (that is give up lobbying for what their members actually wanted)
                            In AB you have to be a puppet to Government and their big business interests to be allowed into the arena. Let the western wheat growers, western barley growers stand on their own two feet financially for a few years and see how well they would fair.
                            As you say TOM "Some organisations would rather be true to their principals... than compromise!" certainly applies more to the NFU and Wildrose Ag producers than it does to your puppet friends.


                              A member of the NFU, who thinks George Bush caused 9/11, who has never grown any grain, who buys 2 tonnes of screenings pellets a year, who was not born or raised here, who has never had to deal with the grain industry at all, is coming on here to defend the cwb???????????

                              What a joke.

                              How come you never answer how it is that you cannot get your fellow cattle producers to form an organization for your industry just like the cwb grass????? Will the NFU or Wildrose not get behind you on that? What exactly do you believe the principals of your beloved organizations are? Please tell us all what it is that they are doing to help the ag industry right now. Today.

                              You whine non stop about the big bad packers, and the big bad USA, and the big bad Alberta government, but you are producing grass fed calves to sell differently than 99% of the rest of the industry.

                              Do you just like whining?

                              You have the freedom to sell your product to anyone you want - do you not?

                              What makes you think the product I grow doesn't deserve the same respect?


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