Charlie & Lee,
It is time the AB and SK gov. overode this goofy CWB federal legislation!
For this Federal Court Judge to give the 'single desk' Charter standing... is the most obscene ruling on Charter Rights ever handed down!
INSANITY of the Canadian Courts to ignore economic rights of the individual as not being part of the Charter of rights and freedoms... and then to give the CWB standing... on this economic issue... further diluting my personal rights and freedoms... is crazy and stupid.
Prime Minister Harper and AB & SK governments should use the not withstanding clause on the Charter of rights and freedoms... if there was ever a case to prevent regional disparity/individual harm... caused by a court ruling... on federal gov. legislation... this is an obvious application that bares real and deep consideration!
I would accept the ruling on economic rights given to the CWB... by the Federal Court...
And over-ride them... which SHOULD provide the basis for individual economic Charter Rights for the individual.
LETS make some Lemonade!
It is time the AB and SK gov. overode this goofy CWB federal legislation!
For this Federal Court Judge to give the 'single desk' Charter standing... is the most obscene ruling on Charter Rights ever handed down!
INSANITY of the Canadian Courts to ignore economic rights of the individual as not being part of the Charter of rights and freedoms... and then to give the CWB standing... on this economic issue... further diluting my personal rights and freedoms... is crazy and stupid.
Prime Minister Harper and AB & SK governments should use the not withstanding clause on the Charter of rights and freedoms... if there was ever a case to prevent regional disparity/individual harm... caused by a court ruling... on federal gov. legislation... this is an obvious application that bares real and deep consideration!
I would accept the ruling on economic rights given to the CWB... by the Federal Court...
And over-ride them... which SHOULD provide the basis for individual economic Charter Rights for the individual.
LETS make some Lemonade!