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Time for the 'Notwithstanding' Clause on CWB!

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    Time for the 'Notwithstanding' Clause on CWB!

    Charlie & Lee,

    It is time the AB and SK gov. overode this goofy CWB federal legislation!

    For this Federal Court Judge to give the 'single desk' Charter standing... is the most obscene ruling on Charter Rights ever handed down!

    INSANITY of the Canadian Courts to ignore economic rights of the individual as not being part of the Charter of rights and freedoms... and then to give the CWB standing... on this economic issue... further diluting my personal rights and freedoms... is crazy and stupid.

    Prime Minister Harper and AB & SK governments should use the not withstanding clause on the Charter of rights and freedoms... if there was ever a case to prevent regional disparity/individual harm... caused by a court ruling... on federal gov. legislation... this is an obvious application that bares real and deep consideration!

    I would accept the ruling on economic rights given to the CWB... by the Federal Court...

    And over-ride them... which SHOULD provide the basis for individual economic Charter Rights for the individual.

    LETS make some Lemonade!

    Regarding the recent court case on the "gag" order, just consider what kind of convoluted thinking led to this decision.

    By analogy, suppose that an employee of a private company decided to run for political office, and then sent out election material printed on company letterhead. If his boss told him to stop, is this a violation of his "freedom of speech?" Suppose further that the boss disagreed with the employee's political views. Is the boss's motivation an issue?

    There are obviously more than a few Liberal judges who would think so.

    The CWB is not some autonomous entity beyond the control of the government of the day. Chuck Strahl's motivation for the "gag" order is irrelevant. He had every right to mandate that the CWB cease advocacy of a point of view that conflicts with the views of many (or most) of the farmers who are forced to financially support that organization.


      Been thinking about this since finding out about the ruling,

      Yes, at first I was disgusted, but the more I've thought about this the more I believe it will do more harm to the cwb in the long run.

      #1. it cements the disgust towards the board by those many farmers who have always supported the "dual market" concept and will swing them into the "open market only" or as I like to put it "break the cwb into a thousand pieces" camp.

      #2 it will anger the PM even more so and will hopefully put some backbone and resolve into the conservatives to do the job properly and with extreme prejudice towards riding the west of this obscene act of parliement.

      #3 it gives "choice" candidates in the director elections a great issue that will resonate with "real" farmers.

      #4 as well as what Tom said, about motivating AB and Sask.

      This wouldn't even be an issue if the cwb were to establish a seperate fund for advocacy which would only be funded by willing supporters of the cwb cause. The issue isn't the cwb trying to make it's case, it's the cwb using money taken from individuals who do not support the cwb position with the intent on it being used against those idividuals. It's like having your arm ripped off and then being beaten with it.

      It's just so un-principled!


        Next time maybe the government will attempt to make their changes regarding the CWB through the Parliament of Canada instead of trying to do an end-run in a SNEAKY fashion. They deserve to be slapped down when they try to subvert proper processes. I hate BULLIES and the government did try to bully their way through subterfuge and trickery.


          Oh come now Willy, tell the whole truth here!

          You don't hate "Bullies" per say, you just hate it when "your" bullied. You love the cwb and there is no bigger and more established "bully" on the prairies than the cwb.

          You just can't see them as a bully because they're stealing the lunch money from people you dislike and stuffing the people you dislike in lockers. They're your hero for spending the last 70 years doing what you accuse Harper of doing and without any reprecusions for it.

          Mr. Harper has to answer to the people at election time. The CWB believes in complete and total autonomy forever.

          Willy, could you be any more of a hypocrite?

          The sheer brazen hypocrisy of cwb supporters staggers the mind.


            I don't see the Harper government throwing wheat board supporters in jail for delivering grain to the board. If they did you'd have an argument Willie.

            Adam's right the real bully here is the CWB and it always has been.


              So Wilago. After the next election, if the Conservatives form a majority government, I presume from your comments you will support them if they bring marketing choice to prairie farmers through legislation duly passed in the House of Commons.

              It's the means to a change, not the change you dislike. Right?


                Kodiak: I didn't say that I would support them...but if the Parliament passed a law either outlawing or severely altering the CWB Act, I would have to bow to the will of the Parliament. However, there could still be a possible recourse to the courts for clarification, (if necessary).


                  So in your mind then the appointed judges should run the country, not the elected government?


                    The government of the day knew the did not have the support to make the changes to the CWB that their friends wanted so they tried an end run and got caught. Game over.


                      Yer right stubble they didn't have the support of the Quebecers or the Torontonions or the Union boys out of Winnipeg and Vancouver, they only had the support of every frickin riding that encompasses the designated area aka "the ghetto". The farmers voted 67% to get rid of the single desk on barley but damnit we did't get Gilles Duceppe or PEI's Wayne Easter on side.

                      How foolish for us to think that we could justify doing something we wanted without the blessing of Eastern and Urban Canada. Thanks SJ for reminding us where we westerns stand within this confederation we call Canada,

                      oh here something else to get your hair up SJ. The free Market side can lose a hundred times and all that does is teach us the route to winning, we never give up,


                      your side,

                      the cwb side,

                      one loss, and she is game over for the cwb, forever.

                      SJ your beloved cwb will crumble because there is ZERO substance and ZERO value to it and when farmers are free to pursue other choices the cwb will be most farmers last choice because as all cwb supporters know the cwb just won't be able to compete.

                      I've said it before and I'll say it again the cwb might as well just adopt the following slogan;

                      "We need a monopoly because were so crappy at what we do nobody would deal with us if we didn't have it"


                        What is it this year stubble.

                        10% of your seeded acres to board crops?

                        15% ?

                        5% ?

                        Must be some other reason you love the board so much.

                        Is Ralph your Uncle maybe?


                          Adam I beleive the number was 14%
                          Silver 100%



                            Just to encourage you to read the CWB survey where the direct question of single desk versus open market is asked. In the case of wheat, 57 % of farmers support single desk and 39 % open market. In Alberta, more farmers support an open market (53 %) than single desk (42 %) in the black and white question. In the case of barley, 40 % supported single desk versus 52 % open market (no alberta breakdown). I think you can use these numbers with confidence to judge what a plebiscite might look like today with a two part question.


                              I realize you work for the alberta goverment charlie but it isn't the only place or the center of the earth.


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