Just a note to let everyone know that Statistics Canada numbers are out today. The biggest change was a 1 mln acre increase in canola and 1 mln acres less summerfallow.
The other issue to watch is barley at 9.1 mln acres, down from 9.3 mln acres in the March intentions and 10.9 last year. Assuming 1 mln acres of silage (I know likely high) and an average yield of 60 bu/acre (know some will talk the number down), that will result in crop production somewhere around 10.5 mln tonnes. Assuming 2 MMT destined for malt barley and a further 500,000 tonnes for seed means about 8 MMT available (assuming good weather). Feed barley supplies will be tight again in 2008/09.
The other issue to watch is barley at 9.1 mln acres, down from 9.3 mln acres in the March intentions and 10.9 last year. Assuming 1 mln acres of silage (I know likely high) and an average yield of 60 bu/acre (know some will talk the number down), that will result in crop production somewhere around 10.5 mln tonnes. Assuming 2 MMT destined for malt barley and a further 500,000 tonnes for seed means about 8 MMT available (assuming good weather). Feed barley supplies will be tight again in 2008/09.