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I need these questions answered.

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    I need these questions answered.

    With the pro's out today I need some help. I have always been told that the cwb gets us a premium in the marketplace. Could some of the cwb supporters answer my questions.

    1. What is the current value of my grain coming August 1? To have the markets rising in harvest its really quite amazing the pro are lagging this much considering Flaman had said the cwb was making substantial sales at these higher levels.

    2. If I look up the MGE prices and then use grainline and find new crop wheat prices at over 10 dropped in the pit why is our pro so low?

    3. Given the current market conditions and wheat looking like it has bottomed - why are the PRO so low?

    4. Where exactly is the premium to the US market? I am curious as to how having a lower outlook to the market equates to a premium?

    5. Where is FLaman? - this could be the next Hoffa story. Or did the board gag him?

    Will anyone hazard a guess or add some insight?

    Very,very,very,very,very few people see market direction and even fewer marketing agencies.



      The CWB and their supporters constantly make the claim that they "see" market direction much better than almost anyone else. Yet when the pro's are obviously out of sync with U.S. prices, their lack of predictive ability is suddenly OK.

      You can't have it both ways.


        6. Does the widening basis on the fpc indicate what the sales contracts have been signed for? It seems the cwb does not want the fpc to get to high. If the fpc was doing what it supposed to do, the risk of those contracts would in fact be minimized to the point that the pools would be a bigger risk to carry. Am I correct in that assumption?


          7. Mge went up substantially today. I guess now its not too volatile a market like it was when the limits changed? Makes me go hmmmmm?

          8. Does the marketing department at the cwb really have any real purpose? If they are as good as they claim - why are we not seeing some better results. If I had performance like that on my farm (or if I could afford it ) I would shitcan the whole mess.


            Finally found my link to new crop US wheat bids.

            http://www.bottineaufarmers.com/index.cfm?show=11&mid=6&theLocation=&layout=2&t=%7 Bts%20%272008%2D05%2D26%2015%3A59%3A13%27%7D&cmid=


              I think the pig should die.
              For a number of reasons.

              But when you or your marketing counsellers enter the market,be carefull.


                Forgot to mention.

                Yesterday or the day before the talking head kramer(cnbc) adviced/commanded buying rim.

                Rim dropped 13% today.

                The dow is dropping like a stone.

                Where will the money go?


                Go look at the commoditie indexs at bloomberg.com.


                one year

                Anyone want to have another inflation arguement?Chaff?

                Funny how "inflation" is finally hitting mainstream news.
                After it is too late for the average guy to protect himself.


                  Has anyone answered the questions I asked?

                  Its about the cwb pros and their premium? It makes a difference otherwise I would not ask them. Stocks bonds rim etc - for christ's sakes I asked questions about the marketing department at the cwb and why the pro's were so low.


                    Cotton, why do you feel the need to constantly try and hijack other peoples threads?

                    Bucket is asking some good questions here, none of which have anything to do with stocks, bonds or inflation.

                    If that's what you want to talk about start your own thread. If not then please respect the topic.



                      I enjoy cottons extra insight... the added perspective of WHY things are the way they work...

                      The CWB is not the only 'marketer'/service provider with problems... the issue is the exchanges and fed reserve central banks are single desks as well.

                      I don't think the 'PIG' should die... it should have restricted food intake... and also limit activity to focused marketing of our produce... that actually gains us a premium!

                      Repeat after me...

                      We have a 'single desk';

                      The 'single desk' means a premium;

                      Therefore any thing we do... equals a premium.

                      NOTHING could be further from the truth!

                      PREMIUMS are 'EARNED'; for a specific reason... in a competitive market where the CWB is a very small player... making claims that are often false leads to abuse of those who must deal with the CWB... simply because the multis will do it to rub the CWB and extract as much as possible... just to make them (CWB sales) squirm!

                      If you had the CWB... over a barrel... squealing like a porker... wouldn't you?



                        Don't you see what the CWB are doing to us?

                        Do you get it now?

                        The more we squeal... the more they zap us!



                          But isn't that sort of odd because the cwb is controlled by farmers? I don't think I have any neighbors that would like to see me fail or see me squeal. They can hardly stand the bitching I do now about the way things are.


                            Tom, there is a time and a place for everything. This ain't the time or the place(thread).


                              The cwb is not "controlled by farmers" it <b>controls farmers.</b>


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