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New energy accord

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    New energy accord

    Does anybody know the details of the plan the liberals have?

    Do you ever do any homework?

    Ever heard of google?

    Google "Liberal carbon tax" or some variation there of till you find what you are looking for.

    People have written reams of stuff on this since it came out something like ten days ago already. Try and keep up.


      CP....It is called the Liberal Green Shift Plan...for now ... apparently "Green Shift" has been copywrited previously.

      The stated objective is to reduce ghg's to 20% below 1990 levels by 2020.

      Emission taxes will be $10 mt in year one, $20 in year two, $40 in year three.

      Costs will be levied at wholesale .... burried like our current excise taxes.

      This will add 7 cents per litre to diesel fuel.....6.2 cents/l to jet fuel, and $85.00 per tonne to coal.

      Claimed to be revenue neutral by reducing income taxes, mostly at lower levels of income, and by increasing child care programs and reducing poverty.

      An option to increase these taxes by 25% is stated.....Bill


        what's it gonna cost to go into the market place and buy carbon credits to off-set farming activities on land where people have already sold their "lands' sequestering value" on which they have accepted 'nickels' some might even say 'wooden nickels'?


          Good question Borderbloke....i think it depends upon the surivability of the Kyoto Accord. When Kyoto was being negotiated the Canadian Gov't mostly disregarded the input of farmers..i.e. John Bennett past pres. of SSCA. The value of conservation farming practices was deemed BAU..business as usual...by the Cretien Gov't and the credit was applied to "Canada's Net Position". This was friendly to industry, power generation and labour, but very unfriendly to farming....Bill


            It was also very friendly to ducks unlimited or the nature conservancy. Allowed them to get cheap easements that they can now sell. The farmers in those easements get what? I would say one red hot poker and that won't tickle.

            Dion's an idiot. Might have gone to school but its questionable if he learned anything. To even think outloud about a plan like this, which is just another NEP,is a sure fire way to lose his position as Liberal leader - not that its something to brag about (unless you are a flamanite)

            To be fair if he would have acknowledged the farming practice issue and said there was an environmental offset for reduced tillage practices therefore reducing fuel usage he might have won some support.


              bucket, i've yet to decide or discern whether the liberals really think they can win with Dion's "carbon tax", (frankly with support from ontario, quebec and the maritime provinces they could pull it off) or whether some of the back room liberals have given Dion a suicide pill hoping to rid themselves of him, and to get a new leader! ????????? just not sure yet, you know, ontario and quebec would really like to get in on our Oil Boom, they just can't stand the possibility of a permanent economic shift to the West!


                I think some of the oil boom is moving to the east. Last I have heard is some of the machine work is going down there because it all can't be handled in the west. As it should be - there is no sense in overbuilding a bunch of machine and manufacturing shops out west only to have them go bust once the cycle levels off. Better to contract to the easterners and keep them busy than have them broke as well.

                Dion's not going to win anything. The liberals are basically conceding the majority with this buffoon.


                  How about this....offer Dion Ambassador to France if he steps down, call a leadership convention within two weeks, Choose Iggy. Taunt the Cons in the media so badly they have to go back to Parliament, or else keep going down in the polls. Day #1 in Parliament, call a confidence motion.

                  Yup. Dandy Liberal strategy.



                    Parsley..... are you in Ignatief's focus group?... Probably a theoretically winning strategy....not so sure about the practicality. I think the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star would have to agree this would be a little too blatant,...well maybe not the Star.....Bill


                      Not the Globe and Mail either. lol

                      Haven't even met Iggy.



                        Canadians are going to find that Harper is actually closer to the ordinary people's view. He is not a charmer but neither am I but the message gets through eventually.

                        Iggy is just another scholar. No emotion, he can't win either.


                          And exactly what is the message? We are just as inept as the Liberals?


                            I am not nuts about the conservatives lack of progress in agriculture but as a whole the government as got alot done since taking office and with a minority government. He couldn't bulldoze his way through this without some comprimises. The liberals had a attitude of my way or the hiway. As an example the liberals had at least 16 years to put the native school issue to rest but couldn't find a way to say sorry.


                              harper is just as cynical a politician as chretien ever was, just hasn't had as much time to be as crooked as chretien. his only vision is of a conservative majority and that is all that will determine his actions until the next election. he'll say all the right things out west but his attention is where he needs the votes: ontario and quebec.


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