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Class Action against Canola Growers Assoc in WP

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    Class Action against Canola Growers Assoc in WP

    Has everyone read the article about the farmers' class action in the Western Producer?

    Could a simple apology by the CGA to farmers, have prevented this class action?


    Haven't read it Parsley...Only comment i would offer is that i doubt an apology would have been detrimental....unless their legal advice considered one a "mia culpa"...and not defensible...Bill


      Did the lawsuit come about because the the information was stolen, or did it come about because it was decided only farmers were not to be told, and then, that position was dug in 30 ft deep and held at all costs?

      Are farmers mad because a mistake was made, or are they mad because no one wants to take responsibility for it?



        The farmers are probably concerned that their personal information is extremely valuable, stiil at risk, and they are having to be continually vigilant for fraudulant usage of this info.

        IMHO the CCGA mishandled this event. The farmers had most at risk, and were given the least chance of protecting themselves.

        Parsley...does it seem to you the jobs at the farmer institutions are more important than the farmers?....Bill


          The elected Directors of the Canola Growers Association seem pleased with their management.If they were not, they would have tossed management out the Fired Door.

          Maybe the farmer directors are the ones who passed a Board motion to instruct keeping their fellow farmers in the dark

          Maybe canola growers should be asking elected directors some hard questions.



            If the class action is certified the "story" may come out in court...if it is not settled earlier..

            You can bet there will be "we can not comment because of the threat of legal action" to any questions. ..Bill


              My question is: Why is Mr. Ritz still allowing the CCGA to handle the cash advance program?
              After such a mistake or missmanagement they should be not allowed to make a profit off us till they pay for thier mistake or trusted with such a program and info.
              Could it be that, Mr. Ritz has SPECIAL friends in the CCGA, as it apprears, in some other producer orgs?


                The CCGA have been handling canola and, i think, non board cash advances for many years....the CWB handled the board grains...

                BTW...i don't think Ritz has any friends...at least not in the circles i travel...LOL....Bill



                  The CWB had an agreement with the CGC, and after all was signed and promised, the farmers ended up with deer poop in their exo=port shipments.


                  Isn't that what you want?

                  Most likely the cash advances are tied to a contract with the CGA. You want Ritz to step in there, but mind his own business when it comes to the CWB, right? I personally haven't seen a cash advance contract for many a moon, but read on the bottom of yours if you have one to see what the arrangement is. Or go online.

                  Shouldn't the Canola Directors fire those who did sloppy work? At the very least, wouldn't an apology be polite?



                    Parsley...maybe the CCGA directors issued the gag order....the directors set the policies...Bill


                      Did farmers actually launch the law suit because they have suffered financial loss, or even loss of sleep- or did the ambulance chaser from Regina just find a couple of guys to list as 'plaintiffs' in yet another chance at hitting the jackpot?


                        The key complainants were listed in the WP.

                        I haven't googled it, yet.



                          A little bit off topic, but in regards to cash advance processing those people at the canola growers remind me of some in crop insurance so rude and ignorant to deal with. And I must say there is some type of problem, either incompetence or lack of organizing ability there because getting your advance there has taken 6 and 7 weeks to complete, while I hate to say it but at the cwb you can get your money basically the same day and not all these forms etc. Also they (ccga)are so worried about who you owe money to that according to my bank some farmers have had to take the forms to a lawyer. Isn't it just an advance on our own crop, It's up to us as farmers where our money goes not canola growers, they are trying to be lawyers and accountants when all they need to be doing is giving you your own money!!


                            Perhaps you have put your finger on the problem, skhadenuf.


                            Good business means listening to what mistake you made so you can understand it, acknowleding the mistake, correcting the mistake and then apologizing for the mistake.

                            Everyone understands mistakes are made.

                            Nobody understands mistakes being hidden.

                            Few tolerate a person who makes a mistake and his action affects you, and he doesn't give a damn about it, so he pulld down the blinds. Covering his own butt is more important than you.

                            Communication is also key.

                            Being told what has happened, being told how the problem has been solved, being told what actions have been put in place to prevent it from happening again...these things restore confidence.

                            Hanging a heavy curtain over the blind so you also can't hear the complaints as well as not see the complainers is incompetence. Incompetence can be replaced by someone competent.

                            Unless of course, there is something to hide.



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