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    We'll the great capitalist experiment called the us has come to a close.

    The financial institutions are now nationalized.

    Soon the auto industries/airline/steel.

    Anyone that thinks free markets rein free here is at best ignorant.

    How the bond market reacts will be very interesting.


    I don't disagree.

    The Chinese have been the sweetheart of many 'capitalists' and they have a mixed economy... that many think works just fine!

    Until a 'special' export tax is imposed like they just did on fertiliser... etc.

    There can be no doubt there is a fundamental "re-alignment" of the global economy... in progress!

    When the US fought the first Gulf war... the cost was shared globally.

    The 9-11/oil wars Were designed to take the US down... and guess what!

    Middle Eastern Nations hold the balance of oil power now... and the US can not bully them... like they tried to do in Iraq.

    I believe the large majority of US citizens don't agree with what happened in Iraq... which will mean an obvious change in foreign policy... and internal trade policy and protectionism as well!

    'Free Trade' and 'a level playing field' have always been a matter of perspective...


      The U.S. has a 9.7 trillion deficit. Part of it is from subsidizing Durum production for T4 's favorite pasta plant. There are twice as many workers in the U. S. getting their wages from the government as from manufacturing. Talk about a commie state.


        Tom,i spend more time than i care to admit on geo-politics,and all i come up with is questions.

        The empirical overreach of the us is almost too obvious.
        Are they simply starving another emerging power of the economic life blood called oil?

        The world has always been in a state of perpetual war?

        Is chomsky right about looking at the world in 3 seperate spheres of power and influence?

        Is kissinger right about he who controllers central europe controls the world?

        the only thing i'm absolute on is that there is not enough to go around-of anything.


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