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CP Where do you got support??

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    CP Where do you got support??

    Just wondering where you're thinking for support in Beans??

    I'm thiking if we close below 14 in Nov, I'm looking at $13.08 for support. Any thoughts?? Everyone I know has different levels just wondering yours.

    Black berrys are fun to get info from lake. Remember usda likes us farmers to win real results will come outlater.oh the crop just wasn't their amazing. That way prices drop for argeninans and canadians etc. Who sell because no support then us farmers get good payday when usda updates their info.


      Some where in there,as long as we dont catch a 61.8% retracement i'm happy enough.

      I havent had time to punch any numbers.

      Taking a good look at some other commodities that are ready to rock'n roll.


        Any thoughts on CBT corn? $2/bu is a big decline in a month.

        Looked at the Dec. chart and $6/bu was a support level that held most of the spring (April and May). Would appear corn yields are destined for somewhere in the low 150 s (assuming frost stays away).

        Perhaps lower prices are a good thing for a time to stimulate the demand side. Less pain livestock industry means more feeding. On the ethanol side (realizing crude oil prices are down), lower priced corn will improve margins. Lower prices will also put less pressure on imports to reduce/switch.



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