Between the wheatgrowers and the barley growers assoc. we could give away their first born, surely we could get something in return. Every time we have given up things in the past it has helped hasn't it?
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I'm sure you would have been willing to trade money for the right to vote.
I'm sure you would have been willing to take a bag of gold coins to give someone a seat at the front of the bus.
I'm sure you would have been willing to negotiate recieving a municipality in return for letting someone worship where they chose.
Always looking for gain in dollars, aren't you?
You wouldn't know what the word meant if you fell over it.
Everyone knows I've never fingered a MaryJane and won't start now, so I'll presume your acronymn stands for megajoule, so I'll take that as a compliment.
But I will comment on Larry Hill's thickly thought out comment.
"There's no proof that organizations like the CWB are trade-distorting," Hill said,..." in the nesletter. Read it.
Surely Hill has done his arithmetic and noticed that when he CLAIMS the CWB sells HIGHEST priced DA barley to the Americans, that the Canadian feedlots do not have to pay the same high price for DA barley.
By his reasoning, Canadian feedlots feed cheap barley.
With DA barley is pricey in the USA and cheap for Canadians, that is what you call TRADE-DISTORTING.
You mean like how the CWB uses those exact same companies to sell half the wheat and over three quarters of the barley for you every year?
They call them accredited exporters, look it up for yourself here.
Riddle me this Willagro, how is it that after these company take their profit, and the CWB takes it's, that you believe you still get a better price than dealing with them direct?
And in case you missed it in my Wednesday with White posting today here are some prices for you to look at.
In Bottineau North Dakota the closing price for new crop spring wheat today was $7.70 per bu USD t=1
The CWB fixed price contract would net me 6.77 per bu CAD in Manitoba for the same wheat.
If we don't bother to do a currency adjustment(which would just make the board price look worse) that's .93 cents per bushel in favour of the ND farmer.
On a 50 bushel per acre crop that's $46.50 per acre that the Manitoba farmer is losing out on.
Now lets look at winter wheat.
For a bit of a change up today lets look at Berthold ND for their new crop price. It's $7.25 per bushel USD
CWB fixed price is $5.68 CAD in Manitoba for the same wheat.
So without a currency adjustment that's $1.57 a bushel difference.
On a 70 bushel per acre winter wheat crop that's $110 per acre difference.
Willagro, I have done this for the past three weeks and every time the Board's fixed price has come up short. In fact it has been getting worse.
The CWB subtracts value from my farm.
agstarr jokes about us free market, choice supporters giving away our first born, well the reality is that the CWB has been taking them away from us for generations already.
Now I've shown you mine will you show me yours?
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