Looks like over the past 30 days, moisture is sliding into what was the dryest areas of Western Canada. The Peace has been out of the rainfall area all year. June 27th was our first rain/hail event, and July has been streaky but good in general for most Northern Sask. Rain is falling tonight again, which is good considering most areas in Northern Sask went about 50 days without rain from may 1st. Recent rains have produced crops that are full of second and third growth. Swathing most Canola fields is going to be a huge challenge and second growth in cereals will produce poor quality without a doubt. Overall the recent moisture will produce an average crop with poor quality b/c frost will hit 30-40% off all acres. Everything but Canola will have to be sprayed with round-up or swathed.
What a roller coaster summer!
What a roller coaster summer!