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Wednesday With White

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    Wednesday With White

    Ian White,

    Do the Board of Directors have access to any type of discretionary spending, that would be taken from the pooling accounts, to spend on, for example, the upcoming director elections?

    If there is any sense of decency at the CWB, this question should be addressed.


    Ian White,

    You will be feeling quite monopoly-fattened at the conclusion of the WTO talks.

    Along with Larry Hill, you have been the West's key spokesmen for supply management at the WTO talks. (Not forgetting of course, the highest on the roost gave his ministerial-all for Quebec and Ontario).

    As todays's Globe and mail remind us, supply management fattens mainly Quebec:

    "Quebec is the greatest beneficiary of supply management, since 47 per cent of the quota for industrial milk used to make butter, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products belongs to Quebec farmers. Half of Quebec's production is therefore "exported" to the rest of Canada, which under supply management cannot import the same product from cheaper suppliers.

    It's an across-the-board, across-the-country racket."

    It's revealing that Saskatchewan farmer Larry Hill has championed the CWB position, which essentially strokes Quebec's ability to print milk money.

    And at the same time, Saskatchewan farmer Larry Hill's CWB position has undermined the Western wheat and barley farmer's export position in the world. After all, why would free marketing countries want to give Canada their best buyer's nod, after considering Canada's two-faced position....wanting both monopolies and wanting free trade.

    Canada has downgraded herself to the "wheat/barley supplier of last resort" status. Ritz will be pleased. There will be lots of cheap food aid available for handing out at some crucial election moment.

    Western farmers weren't surprised when Canada spent most of it's time hiding in the toilet at the WTO talks, too embarrassed to admit Canada is not allowed at the table with the big boys. Hill telling Grade VIII whoppers with the Minister.

    Canada swaggered with no stick and no brains.

    And if Western farmers don't think that's serious enough, "non-trading" with the CWB hypocrite marketer could become accepted and unspoken amongst the G8's. "Don't buy from two-faced Canadians."

    I don't blame them.

    The Directors who are supposed to represent the West, have alienated our best buying countries at the WTO, in favor of Eastern interests.



    As Hill/CWB/Ritz alienates the G8's, they have to resort to selling wheat to typically third-worlder/Bangladeish markets. Now there's a rich purse.

    Since Hill is committed to supporting Eastern farmers, then DA farmers may as well openly acknowledge the monopolist CWB Directors represent Eastern Canada interests.

    The CWB should request that the Quebec dairy lobby pay the salaries of Larry Hill and all those single desk Directors who support Ontario and Quebec.

    And the Quebec Dairy farmers should also pay Ritz' salary and give him a bonus.

    Would you bring this item up at the next CWB Board meeting?



      India vetoed the WTO agreement for its own reasons. Do you really think Canada's position on supply management affected India's decision?



        I will leave the spot price comparisons alone this week and would instead like to point your attention to the new Informa study.


        It very clearly shows through its multi-year analysis that the CWB subtracts value from not just me but all western farmers.

        You yourself have said that the CWB needs to add value to justify the single desk monopoly. Well sir that is not the case and since that is not the case and hasn't been the case for a long,long time (possibly ever) will you know advise the Board of Directors and the Federal Conservatives that it is time to make the CWB a voluntary marketer of grain?

        If not, then the question is why not?


          Oop's that should have been "now advise" not "know advise".


            Mr. White

            Your quote " most american farmers sold early and missed the price spike..."

            Maybe you would like to comment on those early sales the americans made in february for the 08-09 crop. How does 14 to 15 bucks sound for a price today. Looking forward indicates your firm has alot of catching up to do.

            Resting on your laurels doesn't impress me.

            Maybe a comment on the future prices would indicate the cwb value.


              Dear President White,

              When will the CWB STOP padding the pool accounts with the 'blood sweat & tears' of 'designated area' growers who object strenuously to the simply disgusting management of the CWB pool accounts?

              Talk about the deception and crime of the century! AND you... ARE in CHARGE of this perverted mess?


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