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Another Disappointment

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    Another Disappointment

    For the second consecutive year we went into July with terrific looking crops. (East Central Alberta) Last year we then went 6 weeks without rain with predictable results. This year we have now gone a month with no precipitation. Sloughs have dried up and the grass "crunches" under your feet. Hopefully we can get a rain soon to help fill what is left. (Forecast is for hot and dry.) How are crop prospects in your area? Hope things are looking better. From "next year country".

    SE of NE Sask. Crops are not what they looked or could have been. Peas now with pods touching the ground and still a few weeks from harvest so will be a very short crop hope it doesn't lodge but likely will some. Wheat still looks good here. Canola went backwards.


      After three years of excessive moisture and a 60-90% unseeded acres situation, 100 % of the crop got seeded this year. Started out slow, is two weeks late, but boy is there a crop out there. Canola is tall and thick, barley is chest to chin high, lodging and phenomenal, yellow mustard is chin high with two feet of pods, oats is lush and filling three seeds/glume, peas are 4.5 feet high, heavy with fat. long pods, rye is tall, thick, and great. I could care less about wheat, as i refuse to play that game any more. We have not had above 27 degree temperature yet this year, july has been wet and cool.
      The big concern is no frost can occur until say about september 15th, or there will be a lot of sad faces in my region.

      I'm in the northeast of sask, near Kelvington. Bring on the heat!!!

      As a young, small farmer, It is a pivotal year for me after having one crop since 2003, and three years of wet slimy crap in a row. I have all my fingers and toes crossed.

      I wish you all the best, and my sympathy is with you folks who for whatever reason don't have a good one out there to look forward to, as I know all too well what it is like to deal with poor crops, let alone no crop...


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