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US Crop Land/Rental Rates.

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    US Crop Land/Rental Rates.

    Found the following interesting'


    Start quote:

    "USDA: Cropland, Pasture Land Values Hit Record
    Roger Bernard

    Pro Farmer Editors

    Farm real estate values, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, averaged $2,350 per acre on January 1, 2008, up 8.8 percent from 2007, USDA said in its annual update of Land Values and Cash Rents. The $2,350 per acre is a record high and $190 more than a year earlier. Both cropland and pasture values for 2008 are record highs.

    Cropland values rose by 10 percent to $2,970 per acre, up from the previous high of $2,690 in 2007. Pasture value rose by 6 percent to $1,230 per acre. While commercial and residential development has slowed in many regions, farm real estate values continue to increase. Strong commodity prices and farm programs, outside investments, favorable interest rates, and tax incentives continue to be the factors that drive farm real estate values to record levels.

    Livestock prices, recreational use, and urban development remain the predominant influences that increase pasture land values.

    Regional increases in the average value of farm real estate ranged from 1.6 percent in the Northeast region to 15.5 percent in the Northern Plains region. The highest farm real estate values remained in the Northeast region, where development pressure continued to push the average value to $5,080 per acre. The Northern Plains region had the lowest farm real estate value, at $1110 per acre, up 15.5 percent from the previous year. In the Corn Belt region cropland values rose 14.8 percent, to $4,260 per acre. The Southern Plains region increased 12 percent from the previous year, to $1,490 per acre.

    The Northern Plains region also had the highest average percentage increase in pasture value, 19.7 percent above 2007. In the Southern Plains and Mountain regions, which account for more than half of the pasture in the U.S., pasture values per acre increased 17.1 percent and 6.4 percent, respectively.

    As for cash rents, USDA said the average cash rents per acre paid to landlords for cropland rose $11.00 (13 percent), while pasture rents increased $1.00 (8.3 percent) for the 2008 crop and grazing year. Cropland cash rents paid in 2008 averaged $96.00 per acre, compared with $85.00 per acre for 2007. Pasture cash rents averaged $13.00 per acre, compared with $12.00 per acre for 2007.

    The increases in cropland and pasture land rental rates are the result of producers receiving strong commodity prices. The Delta region had the highest percentage increase for cropland, 21 percent above 2007.

    Cropland cash rents increased $14.00 per acre to $140.00 in the Corn Belt region and $6.00 per acre to $64.00 in the Northern Plains region. The Corn Belt and Northern Plains regions account for slightly more than one half of cash rented cropland acreage in the U.S.

    The major corn and soybean producing States of Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa experienced increases of 13, 13, and 18, percent respectively, for cropland cash rents. Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa cropland cash rents averaged $160.00, $135.00, and $165.00 per acre, respectively.

    While pasture rent in the Northern Plains remained unchanged from the pervious year, rents in the Southern Plains, and Mountain regions both increased by 30 cents. The Northern Plains, Southern Plains, and Mountain region account for nearly 85 percent of the cash rented pasture acreage in the U.S. The cash rent paid for pasture in the Corn Belt region increased $4.50 to $36.00 per acre, which is the highest cash rent paid for pasture in the U.S."

    End quote.
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