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Wednedsay With White

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    Wednedsay With White

    Ian White,

    It is rumoured that the CWB's Board of Directors recently met to partake in their annual "What path should we be taking?" navel-gazing session.

    Would you please post the main directions that they decided to adopt/take/incorporate/impliment for the coming crop year?


    Mr White

    In the last couple of days on the radio there has been a cwb report saying that the crop in western canada will be average at best.

    Why does the cwb not put that release on their website so famrers can read the full details and confirm what they have been saying for 2 months?

    Why are the cwb asking prices not published on the website so farmers can see what the cwb is charging for in store wheat and durum?


      I am very interested in making sure my voice, and vote, will be sent in the upcoming elections.

      If the CWB is such a democratic and farmer controlled operation, why is it so hard to find information on the upcoming director elections on the CWB website?

      I would think that perhaps you would want to get farmers interested now in the one event that will impact their farms future for years to come.

      There are countless pages of self promotion and propaganda claiming how great the board is, but nearly nothing about these elections coming up.

      If anyone can point me to the correct page I would appreciate it.



        CWB "Card" prices (selling quotes) are available in the Globe and Mail on a daily basis.

        Also, the CGC publishes them in the Grain Stats Weekly.

        (Page 15)

        Card Prices are the prices used for sales to domestic millers and maltsters. Periodically they publish west coast prices too - I think its for the JFA tenders. Offshore prices tend to hover around the Card prices pretty closely.


          So why then are the card prices not on the CWB website? If they are publicly available elsewhere what's the big deal about putting them on the Board site?

          Is the board afraid of farmers seeing the difference between the card price and what they are getting?


            I know where to find them - it took me awhile but the question remains - why doesn't the cwb publish them on their website. Its factual info - no propaganda.

            AND it relates to board performance.


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