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Weather and yields

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    Weather and yields

    It rained 7/10" last night and is raining right now. I need to start cutting our conlon barley, but heavy rain called for on wednesday & thursday.
    Here's what my predictions are for our immediate area.
    The neighbours winter wheat, 75 on some 90 on some other fields.
    Flax, a couple of neighbours fields 27-30 and 36 on the other.
    Our conlon barley 95 .
    Clearfield nexera 40
    5030 Liberty canola, close to 50
    Barrie wheat, wharburton contract,55-60
    I checked the wiener's oats, next door, 125-140
    Some neighbours have Harvest wheat, close to 60
    CDC GO wheat, close to 60
    Kane wheat, close to 60

    where are you located?


      40 miles south of Brandon Mb. and 25 miles east.
      I forgot, peas in the area will be 60 plus.


        No crop in the north peace and all the crop adjusters quit but one.


          with a very dry summer our winter wheat is yielding 60 plus. we are yet to hit our peas. they are next, what hs come off from neighbors fields has been 30 to 40, some barley coming off now, canola starting to get swathed....will be 15 to 35 depending on showers and farming practices....crops have been worked down on some farms and cattle turned out, especially on conventional ground and and poor weed control.....mixed bag all round, but on average not good in our part of the peace.....and no crops adjusters at our local office, i guess we can forget about wildlife claims for this harvest....AFSC has really dropped the ball!!!!!!had our first half sinch or rain in along time...what a pleasant respite


            Where do you farm northfarmer, i am spirit river.


              why did the crop adjustors quit?


                not sure what happened with adjusters, all i know is a buddy went in to have his carry over confirmed becasue he figures he will be in a claim position and there are no adjusters, the one that worked out of the office that was left is down south dealing with hail.....we do not have hail but wildlife claims alone can keep a full staff busy.....I suspect there is no active recruitment plan to being new people on board.....risk mgmt is important they need to get their sh*& together.....

                i farm in central peace, sr is my afsc office


                  The adjusters could be busy in southern Alberta. Massive amounts of hail here in July. They are so far behind, the hailstorm that hit us in mid July still isn't adjusted. I phoned in yesterday and they said they were still working on the July 10th storm.

                  It's not just AFSC either, I haven't heard from the line company either.

                  Sorry to hear about your drought in the peace. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again real soon.


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