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Am I missing something????

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    Am I missing something????

    Checked the asking price for durum today - its 637 at thunder bay thats $17 per bushel. Our initial right now if we had a call would be $5 net mid point sask. That seems like quite a difference.

    Anyone hazard a guess where the money is going?

    Wheat's asking price is 389 and the initial is 213. In $/bu its 10.58 asking and netting $4.

    The question is - am I missing something? My answer is - quite alot of money.


    You are missing... that 'giving' spirit... the CWB expects you to have inherited... when you bought your farm!

    The CWB giveth... and the CWB taketh away!

    Always remember... Blessed be the name of the CWB!

    All things work for the best... for those who pool...

    It is blasphemy to question the wisdom of the CWB... remember... they (CWB Managers) know more than the Good Lord himself... when it comes to marketing wheat and barley!

    Otherwise the CWB would follow the Good Lord's example... on choice...

    For instance... the Creator/Good Lord allows the choice of whom/if folks will enter into a relationship with his life force... or ignore him completely! CHOICE


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