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World Class Durum Marketing...

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    World Class Durum Marketing...


    It is very interesting how Canada... is missing out on so many opportunities... on Durum!

    August 11, 2008 Monday 2:27 PM EST


    160 words

    Australia's Graincorp ties up with US grain marketer CHS

    MELBOURNE Aug 11

    Grains marketer and handler GRAINCORP LTD (ASX:GNC) has formed a strategic marketing alliance with the largest co-operative grains marketer in the US, CHS INC, to export Australian durum wheat in bulk to new markets immediately. GrainCorp said CHS had strong linkages to millers and its global reach would provide access to new markets.

    * "GrainCorp brings the strength of our wheat desk, our upcountry grain accumulation and storage expertise, our road and rail logistics and port infrastructure to this alliance. CHS Inc bring their expertise as a leading durum marketer and processor, and the strong relationships they have with the world's leading durum processors," GrainCorp managing director Mark Irwin said in a statement.

    * "For the first time in the history of the durum industry in Australia, we will be able to leverage a strategic relationship with a truly global marketer, not just sell into a limited number of markets," Mr Irwin said.


    August 11, 2008
    http://www.world-grain.com/news/newsfinder.asp?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgI d=586&docId=l:834980061&topicId=14429&start=3&topi cs=single

    Who really needs 'single desk' hand cuffs!
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