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Guidelines for Postings

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    Guidelines for Postings

    Just noticing a nastier tone to things in recent days.

    I want to highlight the "Guidelines" for participation again. I note the link is gone but will connect again.

    My guidelines are to treat others as you would have them treat you.

    I also assume we are all professionals and able to communicate effectively without cheap shots and slander. Not asking anyone to not argue their points with passion but rather in a manner that you would be willing to have your name associated with and be held accountable for.

    I will note that Lee and my name is on this site and by association, what is said here reflects on us.

    Aye,aye Captain!


      Just so you, I am kinda toughed up after a weekend as a volunteer as a beer garden security person at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. My of my more pleasant moments (I might say as a volunteer with limited ability to enforce anything) was a direct reference to gestapo and whether we were getting arm bands and black boots next year for our job.

      The farms.com guidelines (not my guidelines) are there to be read (will get Joe to connect the link) and all that is asked is that you follow them. I am a volunteer so I am not the one that enforces. I am also not anyones baby sitter. I assume most here are over the age of 12 and don't need one.


        I don't know that you can make that assumption , judging by all the crying and whining.


          Well, ok charlie,

          But your taking all the fun out of tormenting cwb executives and directors.

          And if ever there were a lot that needs, at minimum, twice daily torentings, it's that bunch.

          What if we put more smiley faces on our postings? Would that help?


            Boy you government guys/gals, sure have thin skins. There is an old saying, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fire" This is Angriville after all, farmers are not all happy and gay guys/gals, just because the Alberti Gov't is looking out for their best interest. At times people feel helpless and upset, when being ground down by the global economy. Grain companies and railroads that are cheating us to death with phoney admin charges, downgrading, shrinkage, weighing and inspecting, chitting, sprouted, dockage, ops, gps, elx, drying, tough, low quality, lightweight, 2cw, heated, yah got a contract, fine print, etc.,etc, etc.... I forgot deer droppings, can't handle that no, no way, thats a farmer problem, can't screen them outta grain. Oh I forgot about all the grain company employess, that hate the farmers that they deal with. Yup, lets all be happy and optomistic, farming is the ultimate career choice! Happy faces abound all over the place....


              Dear Charlie,

              Thanks for seeing through all the 'guff'... we do have one of the most entertaining and interesting communication privileges possible here on Agri-ville!

              The 'first shot' system... where we can't change our own posting... does leave the need for more 'grace' when we both post and read postings.

              It is good in some ways... as it is like real life...
              In public... or even in family situations... after the words are spoken.... they can't be taken back!

              Just like selling our farm produce... taking back a decision is often very difficult!

              Learning to work with folks.... and have a 'good' relationship with respect... IS THE KEY to a SUCSSESFUL Farm BUSINESS.

              It looks like some folks... will always have a negative outlook... kind of like our old puppydog... look at him the wrong way... the lip goes up... teath are bared... and GROWL... Snap!

              But HEY...we even find a way to love old grumpy puppies... 99% of the time... it is an act... and a good loving scratch on the back... will usually solve the problem!


                "But HEY...we even find a way to love old grumpy puppies... 99% of the time... it is an act... and a good loving scratch on the back... will usually solve the problem!"

                Tom: And sometimes the only solution is a lead pill.


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