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Fertilizer, China and India!

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    Fertilizer, China and India!

    OK every one this will come as no surprise but doesn't it bother most when North American Companies are giving our fertilizer at inflated prices to CHINA and INDIA yet they then charge their farmers peanuts for the fertilizer. Isn't this a Subsidy greater than the Whole US and European programs combined. Again Fair trade is whats needed all over. Because here in Crap hole western Canada where their are no such subsides on any product producers just keep paying and getting into more debt, yet Canadian and American companies are pinning their prospects on China and India and explaining it by the boom that's happening in North America the farmers can afford it here, So lets gouge.
    Isn't it funny were supplying two unstable countries with product (OK china communist to a tee and India is unstable). Then when they back away from deals like they always do (grain cancellations, fake crop reports, etc) who will pay for this, Canadian and American farmers.

    Jul 03, 08 545 683 462 1727

    Jul 10, 08 545 727 460 1727

    Jul 17, 08 625 758 464 1727

    Jul 24, 08 650 808 519 1727

    Jul 31, 08 775 820 516 1727

    Aug 07, 08 810 815 543 1727

    Aug 14, 08 800 793 523 1727

    thats Date Ammonia
    USD/ton Urea
    USD/ton CAN
    USD/ton Phos acid

    All had a drop last week except phos.


      Road diesel cheaper in AZ than our purple diesel. What gives?

      Prices current as of 6am August 15, 2008 MT
      Regular Unleaded
      Unleaded Plus
      Premium Unleaded








       AZ, Ehrenberg
       I-10 Exit 1

       AZ, Eloy
       I-10 Exit 208A

       AZ, Kingman
       I-40 Exit 53

       AZ, Phoenix
       I-10 Exit 137

       AZ, Winslow
       I-40 Exit 255


        Didn't paste well. Diesel is 4th number listed. Eloy, AZ road diesel $3.959.


          Should've accounted for low Can dollar. Eloy, AZ road diesel is equal to price I was quoted this AM at $1.11/l(purple).


            Tut, tut we can't be getting rid of subsidies that would mean our poor down trodden supply managed farmers would have to actually compete to make a living. Far to burdensome. It's better that the 99% of us who do compete just suck it up some more.


              BTW, I was reading the other day that 10 out of the 25 major fertilizer using countries subsidize the stuff.


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