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Who is willing to lock the bins?

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    Saskfarmer?........ what will be your selling price if we get frost? Won't be any livestock producers left with an attitude like yours?


      Well Hiteck just bought out the LAPC and rumor has it they will buy out Stomp Pork Farms. I guess some livestock producers have money out there yet. Well as long as I get to sell grain that is a good thing.


        Hate to break it to you guys but we could all not even bother to put in a crop never mind lock the bins and grains are going to slide. The smart money has left commodities now the rest of us are left to pay. Stagflation will be replaced with flat out inflation as the system is forced to absorb these high priced goods. Bonds will be the next place to invest as interest rates rise.


          grain prices might make one more run up but it won't be because a few farmers locked the bin doors. it will be for the same reasons for the price increases so far - speculation and market influence. next time (if it does go up again) the selloff will make the last few months look like a slow leisurely decline because the specs will all want to be out the door real fast. farmers who want to take advantage will have to be nimble and lucky.


            At the end of the day the world grain and oilseed stocks are going to be dangerously low. This world crop will not be as large as the specs and markerts think - that is why we are locking the bins for now. Come jan/feb the market will step up and have to buy grain again, not just steal it. I know, and so does every one else with a brain, that locking the bins will have no effect on todays or tomorows prices. The point is that the market should rebond 3-4 months after harvest - thats all that S/F, myself and other think. I am betting on harvest lows into the first half on Dec.


              That sums it up excellently.


                Let's take this a step further and all of us go on STRIKE. Summerfallow it all till the price is at a level, we can all live with. We'll all keep an eye on each other, establish an 800 snitch line like the Monsanti boys/girls and deal with violators in a forthright responsible manner. Yup STRIKE is the only way it'll work, don't ya think?


                  Isn't that what stewie wells is supposed to say.


                    Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Therefore, it's only one step away from being witless. Sometimes, people think they're a wit when they use sarcasm, but they're only half right.


                      I wasn't being sarcastic. As head of the NFU stewie wells is - as a union leader supposed to look for opportune times to strike. Obviously this would be the right time. Burbert is right but farmers don't see that if they said no more product and the bins are locked the world would pay up. There is no bumper crop.

                      Its too bad the stewie's only agenda is getting sweetheart deals from his brother in law.


                        No bin on our yard will be locked up forever or anyone for that matter - give your head a shake. If you are in a position to keep grain for 6 moths, it will pay, end of story, if you are not times will be tough. Hatvest is here and the market will steal what they can, thats just business. BTW, our corn might just make harvest now(all 5ac)!
                        Hope harvest goes safe for all!
                        A sh!t show here today, one combine runin' one in the yard with one old man with too many opionions - oh well there is always tomorow! Bought an R/72 and fixed er' up and wow over 1200bus/hr in peas -smoth as silk taken our time, kind of fun for a while till it rained.



                          My "sarcasm" comments weren't directed at you.



                            I assumed they were as my wife calls me a half wit everyday in one form or another. I am not offended anyway.



                              Psst...don't tell him but I was talking about Burbert...


                                Geee Chaffie, you are soooo cool, that you couldn't possibly, be a foool or tooool and cruuuel all at the same time. O I forgot, you are one of the brokers/smokers trying to trash/crash the ol CWB, that taught you your stuffffff. After all Sour g****s are sour g****s no matter what, chew on them for a moment and don't spend all your time, being so keen!


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